We have revised the formatting, wording and layout of the External Assessment Rules to make them easier to understand and clarify how they apply to different assessment formats (such as written exams and folios). The content and intent of the rules has not changed, with the updated wording to apply for the 2023 external assessment period.
Exam Rules – A Student Guide is a student factsheet summarising the rules. It covers:
- what to bring to your exam
- the possible consequences of breaching TASC’s exam rules
- TASC’s Academic Integrity Policy
- folio submission processes (including extension requests).
We have also revised the Calculator Policy to apply from 2023 onwards. The revised policy focuses on what types of calculator capabilities are approved for use in the external assessments where a calculator is allowed. The policy has been designed to not prohibit calculators already purchased by current students and to make it easier to identify acceptable calculators, even as new calculator models/editions are produced.