Clear your calendar and save the dates:
The 2024 written exam period is from Monday 11 November to Thursday 21 November 2024.
You are expected to be ready to attend the scheduled exams for Level 3 and 4 courses as they are a necessary part of your assessment for that particular course.
If you are planning to travel interstate or overseas at the time of your exams, you need to make an application for a special exam centre to complete your exam.
You must apply before 1 July and be prepared to cover the cost associated with having a special exam centre. TASC will look at whether it is possible to set up a special exam centre where you will be and any risks to the integrity of the exam paper. For more information, talk to your school about Requesting a special exam centre.
Derived exam ratings are restricted to students experiencing unfortunate and unplanned circumstances, such as being sick, an emergency or other exceptional unexpected circumstances.
For more information, see Preparing for exams / ‘Issues attending exams?’