The scaling process is undertaken each year solely for the purpose of enabling a student’s Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) to be calculated when they reach the end of Year 12.

‘Scaling’ allows course awards to be converted into course scores. Course scores are used to calculate your Tertiary Entrance Score which, in turn, is used to determine the ATAR.

The following courses are ‘scaled’ each year:

  • TASC accredited Level 3 and Level 4 courses
  • Selected courses from the University of Tasmania’s High Achiever Program (HAP) and University Connections Program (UCP).

For detailed information about how scaling works, see Focus on: Course Scaling.

TASC publishes the TASC course scaling information table each year. This table provides the finalised course score range for the relevant year, for each award across every TASC accredited Level 3 and Level 4 course. It also shows how many students achieved a score within that range, in the specific year.

Note: To protect student privacy, courses that were completed by less than ten students are not included in the TASC course scaling information table.

If you refer to this table when selecting courses for future years, you must take care to have realistic expectations about what potential course scores you may achieve. Be mindful that not everyone who undertakes a course achieves the top score for that course. It is also important to remember that the table shows only what the scores were in the relevant year and cannot be used as an accurate indicator for future years.

For more information about scaling, see Focus on: Course Scaling.

The TASC Scaling Committee publishes a report each year on the scaling of HAP and UCP courses. This report provides an overview of scaling outcomes and a summary of the range of scores for all courses (but not individual course scores).

The method of scaling HAP and UCP courses is the same as for TASC accredited courses. However, results for these courses are administered by the University of Tasmania and not by TASC. The release of information about these courses is therefore at the discretion of the University of Tasmania.

The TASC Scaling Committee is made up of representatives from:

  • TASC
  • University of Tasmania
  • Independent Schools Tasmania
  • Catholic Education Tasmania
  • Tasmanian Government schools (Department for Education, Children and Young People).

The TASC Scaling Committee has a critical role in determining the scores for each course, to make sure course scores properly reflect student achievements. The Committee reviews and verifies that the scores for each individual course are appropriate before scores are finalised.