TASC markers play an essential role in marking Year 11 and 12 external assessments, including exams, folios, exhibitions and performances.

Thank you for your enthusiasm to deliver fair and consistent external student assessments for all Tasmanian senior secondary students undertaking Level 3 and 4 courses. We greatly appreciate your skills and expertise and look forward to working with you.

Please be aware that Marker Meetings, Discrepancy, and Assessment Panel schedules are created based on exam timing, candidate numbers per course, and preparation time for marking and result entry. To maintain efficiency in exam processes, TASC cannot accommodate individual schedule change requests unless under exceptional circumstances.

Display External Assessment (courses):

Folio External Assessment (courses):

Oral External Assessment (courses):

Practical External Assessment (courses):

Written External Assessment (courses):


See Employment for the following information:

  • Safeguarding training
  • Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest
  • New Starter Pack
  • Payment rates
  • Relief reimbursements
  • Travel and accommodation claims.

Acknowledging Marker Participation

Thank you to all our Marking Coordinators and Markers. TASC greatly appreciates your skills and the essential role you play in marking the Year 11 and 12 external assessments.

TASC can provide records certifying your marking role on request. This may be particularly useful for teachers seeking Full Registration with the Teachers Registration Board as work against the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) professional standards for teachers.

Contact jobs@tasc.tas.gov.au to request a record of your marking role. Requested records will be provided from January onwards (the year after your marking role).