TASC offers schools access to online safety net tests for their Year 12, 13 and past students (with the facilitation of the school). This page provides schools with information about how to register their students to sit the online tests using TRACS.

When online safety net tests are available

The online Use of Computers and the Internet (ICT) Everyday Adult Standard safety net test is available for registration to complete on-demand at any time it is required (with 3 month waiting periods between tests). The other safety net tests are open for specific windows of time with registration opening/closing dates and testing period dates advertised in the Key Dates calendar and in the TASC Update.

How to register students for online safety net tests

  1. Login to TRACS as a TLO or Principal/Principal Delegate
  2. Click on the PROVIDER tab at the top and then click on CORRESPONDENCE
  3. In the ACTIVE TASKS tab, scroll to the bottom of the screen until you see ‘+Add Task’
  4. Activate the following TRACS tasks for registration:
    • Online TCE Standards Test – Registration – Reading and Writing
    • Online TCE Standards Test – Registration – Mathematics
    • Online TCE Standards Test – Registration – Use of Computers and the Internet.
  5. During the registration period, schools create a separate task for each test type. All students registering for a particular test should be added to the one task. Add the relevant students to the task using the ‘Students’ search field.
  6. Once registrations close and student logins are ready, TASC will upload documentation to the task. This will include detailed instructions for supervisors and students, student logins, and the supervisor report.

Student login information for the test will be added to the Communications tab within one business day. Students will then have 10 business days to sit the test (after this period the login information will no longer work).  

If students are not able to complete the ICT test within the 10 business day timeframe, schools will be able to create a new Online TCE Standard Test – Registration – Use of Computers and the Internet task and add the relevant student(s). 

Note: A supervision report will also be attached to the task – this must be completed and attached to the task once students have sat the test. The online ICT test takes 90 minutes (students can have longer if needed).

All ICT test results will be processed within five business days and attached to the task’s Communications tab. TASC will no longer email TLOs the test results as all ICT test communications, requests and results will be provided via the Communications tab. 


  • If a student does not pass the ICT test, they must wait three calendar months before re-sitting it.  
  • Most students will not need to sit an ICT safety net test, as they will meet this Everyday Adult Standard through a course or the transitional arrangement which recognises their ICT skills and knowledge as part of their achievement of all the other requirements of the TCE [the Participation and Achievement Standard, and the Everyday Adult Standards for Mathematics, and Reading, Writing and Communication (in English)]. Only students who are not on track to achieve the TCE will benefit from sitting and passing the safety net test as it will get them closer to being able to achieve their TCE though further post-senior secondary learning. 

Registration tasks for online safety net tests for Reading, Writing and Communication (in English) and for Mathematics can be created in advance of the test windows only. These dates are communicated through the TASC Update and the Key Dates calendar.

This is most common when the student does not have a current enrolment at your school. Add a communication to the task, advising TASC of the student name and TASC ID. We will investigate and come back to you.

Add a communication explaining what you had intended to do and if necessary, we can correct this.

It is not possible for you to edit the list once the task has been created. Add a communication outlining the change/s you would like to make and we will make the amendments.

Registrations close in advance of test dates. Add a communication and we will do our best to accommodate the changes.