Courses accredited by TASC are intended for study during senior secondary education (Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13). In some circumstances it may be appropriate for students to extend their learning in a specific area of strength by enrolling in a TASC-accredited course prior to Year 11. TASC approval is required to formally* enrol students in such a course.

*A formal enrolment indicates that the school has provided enrolment information to TASC, the school will participate in quality assurance activities, and will provide internal ratings to TASC by the due date. TASC will issue the relevant qualification to the student upon successful completion of the course.

More information is available in the Enrolment of Pre-Year 11 Students in TASC-Accredited Courses policy.

How to apply

An application to TASC must be made for a formal Pre-Year 11 enrolment in a TASC course. Applications are made via TRACS. An application form and relevant evidence is required for each course.

Step One: Complete the Application form – Pre-Year 11 Enrolment in a TASC-accredited course

The application form must be completed by a relevant member of staff and endorsed and signed by the principal.
The application requires additional supporting documentation including:

  1. a list of the students who are applying for a formal enrolment in a TASC-accredited course.
  2. a rationale statement for each student with evidence demonstrating the student’s strength or ability in the relevant area of study and their preparedness for the course, and their pathway intentions.
  3. intended communications for students and their parents/guardians outlining the requirements specific to senior secondary education (draft templates available below).

Step Two: Submit the application form via a TRACS ‘Pre-Year 11 Enrolment’ communication.

Step Three: Inform students and their parents/guardians of the outcome of the application following advice from TASC.

When to apply

Applications for pre-Year 11 enrolments open at the start of Term 4 of the year preceding the enrolment year and close at the end of February of the enrolment year.
Students and their parents/guardians must be informed that a formal enrolment is not guaranteed until approval from TASC.

Resources available

Example Rationale Statements

Mathematics Methods – Foundation Level 3

Student 1: Sue
Sue achieved 8 on the 9-point scale in her Australian Curriculum (AC) Mathematics Year 9 (V.9) studies. Her NAPLAN maths result was 91, and her P.A.T. result was 85. In addition to studying AC Maths in Year 10, Sue wishes to study Mathematics Methods – Foundation Level 3 on an option line. Sue is intending on studying of Mathematics Methods level 4 in Year 11, and Maths Specialised Level 4 in Year 12, leading to a Science/Maths degree at university. In addition to her aptitude for maths, Sue has demonstrated personal attributes of determination and self-motivation. We feel confident that she would succeed in the course.

Student 2: Harry
Harry achieved ‘well above standard’ in the Australian Curriculum Mathematics Year 9 (V.9) and ‘above standard’ in the Australian Curriculum Mathematics Year 10 (V.9) when in Year 9. At our school we offer an extension line option for Year 9 students where Mathematics is a particular strength. Harry is intending on studying Mathematics Methods Level 4 in Year 11, and Maths Specialised Level 4 or Physics Level 4 in Year 12. Harry is planning on studying Medicine at University. Harry is a dedicated, highly motivated student who has thrived when extended and excelled in our in-school exam and test experiences.


Athlete Development Level 2

Student 1: Anna
In Year 9, Anna achieved an overall C (at standard) in her Australian Curriculum (AC) Health and Physical Education Years 9 and 10 (V.9) studies. Her teacher noted that her achievement in the Movement and Physical Activities section of the course (AC9HP10M01/02/03) was an A (well above standard). Anna is particularly interested in soccer. She has played for many years with her local team, and undertaken numerous coaching clinics, leading to her recent selection in the Tasmanian Under 17 squad. Anna will continue to work with a coach through her Year 10 study. Anna is a dedicated student with a special interest in developing her skills in soccer.


French – Foundation Level 2

Student 1: Beau
At the end of Year 9, Beau achieved ‘above standard’ in his Australian Curriculum (AC) French Years 9 and 10 (V.9) studies. One of his parents is of French lineage, and he has spent some time in France on holiday staying with family. Beau wishes to undertake the TASC French Level 2 course in Year 10, leading to the French Level 3 course in Year 11. In Year 12 he plans to study a variety of HASS courses in preparation for tertiary studies in international relations and diplomacy. The opportunity to study this course has created a clear pathway for Beau and he is excited about the possibility of studying this Level 2 language course in Year 10.


Frequently asked questions

No. TASC-accredited courses are not intended to replace the F‑10 Australian Curriculum or provide learning for pre-Year 11 students where there is no comparable F-10 Australian Curriculum syllabus.

In 2019, all Australian Education Ministers, through endorsement of the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Declaration, affirmed national commitment to the delivery of a world-class curriculum, articulated in the Australian Curriculum. Senior secondary courses build on the knowledge and skills acquired through completion of the Foundation to Year 10 (F-10) Australian Curriculum.

A student may be eligible to extend their learning in a specific area of strength or because of a specific pathway intention. If a student chooses to extend their learning through studying a TASC-accredited course, then this study must be concurrently studied with the relevant Australian Curriculum.

A student who has demonstrated that they are above standard or well above the standard against the Australian Curriculum achievement standards is eligible to apply for a pre-Year 11 enrolment. These students have demonstrated that they have a particular strength or aptitude for a specific learning area.

Evidence may also include a student’s NAPLAN results or other diagnostic tests such as a Progressive Achievement Test (PAT). Another example of how a student can demonstrate a particular strength is having achieved a strong result in a school-based course as an option for study which is aligned with the general learning area.

TASC treats each student on a case-by-case basis. When submitting an application ensure you provide as much evidence as possible to support the student’s application.

Schools use different terminology to inform students of their progress against the Australian Curriculum. Schools may use an A-E rating scale, a 9-point assessment scale or use language such as satisfactory to describe a student’s achievement against the Australian Curriculum achievement standards.  In determining an application TASC considers ‘above’ and ‘well above standard’, ‘B’ and ‘A’ ratings and ‘above satisfactory’, 7-9 rating on the 9-point scale as a demonstration of a particular strength.


A pre-Year 11 enrolment in a TASC course means that a student is being extended beyond the F-10 Curriculum and undertaking course content appropriate for students who are in Year 11 or higher.
There are a number of considerations for students, parents/guardians or carers and schools when deciding if a pre-Year 11 enrolment in a TASC course is appropriate:

  • Level of complexity of the intended course:
    A student may be considering a Level 2 or Level 3 TASC-accredited course.
    TASC Level 2 courses map to Australian Qualification Framework Level 2 and Australian Core Skills Framework Level 3
    TASC Level 3 courses map to Australian Qualifications Framework Level 3 and Australian Core skills Framework Level 4


  • Level 3 courses include an external assessment: 
    Each Level 3 course includes an external assessment. Depending on the course a student may be required to sit a written exam, submit a folio of work, participate in a practical assessment or a combination of these types of assessments.  Some Year 10 students may find the experience of an external assessment particularly challenging. Schools must have informed conversations with students and their parents/guardians or carers about this aspect of TASC Level 3 study.


  • Individual student aptitude:
    Generally, students who are self-motivated, engaged with (relevant) content, love learning and are resilient and adaptable are appropriate candidates for extension. Some courses involve study of topics and themes requiring a level of maturity typically demonstrated in the senior secondary years of education.
    TASC-accredited courses typically require students to participate in 150 hours of learning, with some of the learning and assessment activities being specified by work requirements. Generally, due to the volume of the course content, students are required to complete assessment activities and other additional work outside of the classroom. For Level 3 courses an external assessment component is required.

Yes. Schools can use the TASC course content in a school without needing permission or formal enrolments in a course. A school may decide they would like to use a TASC course – or part of its contents – to prepare students for a future study or to address particular area of interest.

Without formal enrolments in the TASC course students will not be issued with the relevant TASC qualification or attain the participation points or any associated Everyday Adult Standards.

A student may have been able to undertake explicit study of an Australian Curriculum Year 10 subject prior to Year 10, and demonstrated their knowledge and skills against the relevant Year 10 Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards.

If a student has achieved above or well above standard in the Year 10 Australian Curriculum for a particular learning area, then the student may be eligible to study a TASC course in Year 10 without concurrently studying the relevant Australian Curriculum.

Schools can apply to TASC on behalf of the student for a formal pre-Year 11 enrolment in a TASC course through the usual process, however the supporting evidence will demonstrate the individual student’s Year 10 achievement, i.e., a school report.

Up to 2024, in some unique circumstances, an ATAR may have included course score/s from TASC-accredited courses studied in Year 10.

From 2025, only courses studied over two years of senior secondary education (combination of two years from Year 11, Year 12 or Year 13) will be used in calculating an ATAR.

Therefore, course scores from pre-Year 11 enrolments will NOT be able to count towards a student’s ATAR from 2025 onwards.

For more information about the 2025 change to the ATAR calculation, see ATAR calculation from 2025.