Exam Centres are schools endorsed by TASC that meet the requirements to be an Exam Centre for the external written exams for Level 3 and 4 TASC-accredited courses. These approved Exam Centres are designated for Year 11 and 12 students to sit their written exams at the end of the year.

In certain cases, TASC will consider students’ special exam centre requests to sit their exams at alternative Exam Centre on an individual basis, considering unique circumstances.

A full list of the endorsed Exam Centres can be seen below. The Exam Centre Procedures and Guidelines outline the school’s Exam Centre responsibilities and TASC’s responsibilities for the exams.

Schools wishing to renew their Exam Centre MoU or be considered as a new Exam Centre, can follow the steps outlined in the TASC Exam Centre Memorandum of Understanding.

Endorsed Exam Centres

  • Calvin Christian School
  • Circular Head Christian School
  • Claremont College
  • Don College
  • Elizabeth College
  • Fahan School
  • Guilford Young College (Glenorchy)
  • Guilford Young College (Hobart)
  • Hellyer College
  • Hobart College
  • Launceston Christian School
  • Launceston Church Grammar School
  • Launceston College
  • Leighland Christian School
  • Marist Regional College
  • Newstead College
  • Rosny College
  • Scotch Oakburn College
  • St Brendan Shaw College
  • St Helens District High School
  • St Michaels Collegiate School
  • St Mary’s College
  • St Patrick’s College
  • The Friends’ School
  • The Hutchins School
  • Ulverstone Secondary College

Each year in Term 3, TASC assigns all students undertaking written external assessments to their provider school exam centre (if endorsed) or to the nearest endorsed exam centre. Following this, TASC seeks clarification from schools to ensure that the assignment has been correct. Schools may submit a request on behalf of:

  1. Year 10 students undertaking TASC external assessments who would prefer to sit their exams at their feeder school.
  2. Students who have flexible learning arrangements and would prefer to sit their exams at their home school (if an endorsed exam centre) rather than the provider school.

After assessing submissions, TASC updates student records to reflect their exam centre changes and notifies the schools.

Students will receive a Notice of External Assessment form in October with information about where they will sit their end-of-year exams.

If a student is unable to attend a regular endorsed exam centre due to participation in a recognised National or International sporting, academic, or cultural event that coincides with their exams, they may be eligible to set up a special exam centre at a suitable venue (interstate or overseas). The student should apply as early as possible in the year (ideally before 1 July) and be prepared to cover the cost associated with having a special exam centre.

When TASC receives a Special Exam Centre Application form, the viability of establishing a special exam centre at the requested location and any potential risks to the exam paper’s integrity will be assessed.

Apply immediately if selection is a possibility (before 1 July)

Students must submit an application for a special exam centre if their recognised National or International sporting, academic or cultural event attendance is likely to overlap with the two-week written exam period, and the date of their selection for the event is before 1 July (the closing date for special exam centre applications). As the exam schedule, National or International event competition/performance schedule, and travel schedule/itinerary become known it will be possible to determine if there is a same (2-3hr) time period clash with the student’s exam/s and if a special exam centre is able to go ahead without risk to the integrity of the exam paper.

Late Applications (after 1 July)

If a student is unexpectedly selected to take part in a recognised National or International sporting, academic or cultural event that will occur at the same time as their exam after the closing date for special exam centre applications, a Special Exam Centre Application form and the following evidence must be submitted to TASC.

Submit all the materials (1-3) listed below:

1. Official letter of selection confirming:

  • the date of selection
  • that the event is a National or International event (is officially sanctioned by a central organisation and has a limited entry basis where a restricted number of young people represent the State of Tasmania, nation of Australia, or a specific cultural group).

2. The organisation’s contact details.

3. A travel schedule/itinerary and competition/performance schedule with the following evidence of clashing with the same (2-3hr) time period as the scheduled exam:

  • If the air travel clashes with the same time as the exam, that the air travel cannot be re-booked earlier/later so the student is available to sit the exam (either in Tasmania or at a special exam centre) and/or
  • That the main competition/performance/essential ceremony clashes with the same time as the exam and is an essential component that cannot be missed.

If TASC determines that a special exam centre cannot go ahead the student will be eligible to receive Derived Exam Ratings for that exam.

If schools have any questions about the requirements and applications for special exam centres, contact TASC using a ‘special exam centre’ TRACS task. Students can also contact us for more information.

Further information about the associated costs of applying for a special exam centre, can be found on the Services and Commitments – Fees page.