Students change the courses they want to study during their senior secondary years. That flexibility is important for ensuring students remain engaged in their studies and are able to achieve course learning outcomes. This page outlines schools’ responsibilities to manage and report on the students in TASC Courses and movement between courses.

Schools’ responsibilities

Schools are required to keep student course enrolment details in TRACS up to date and accurate throughout the year. 

Schools need to have their own policies and procedures on student movement between courses, including how the course content and work requirements of the new course will be completed. These documents should be shared with students and TASC may request to view your policies and procedures as part of Quality assurance activities.

Students who change courses need to be exposed to all the course content for that course and brought up to date with learnings they missed. Work already completed may be able to be re-assessed by mapping the content across the courses and assessing the completed work against the standards in the new course (particularly if the courses are in the same learning area but are different levels). 

Schools cannot make course movement changes (move students into a new/another TASC Course) after set dates in the second-half of the school year. After the course movement closing dates, any subsequent change of enrolment into a TASC course requires TASC approval and evidence of the management of the course change. This recognises the significant obstacles to having a successful change into a course so late in the school year. 

Students can be simply withdrawn from a course (and not moved to another course) at any time before the verification of internal results. Schools must make a withdrawal request immediately in TRACS to ensure a student is withdrawn and results are not issued for that course. Prompt withdrawals help in planning for exams and other external assessments, including preparing the exam timetable and scheduling of exams to avoid exam clashes, printing of exam papers and appointing the correct number of exam supervisors and markers, as well as being able to provide accurate results statements to students at the end of the year.

TLOs and teachers should ensure that their students understand the impact course changes could have on what certificates a student may be eligible to receive at the end of their studies. The Course planner on TASC’s website can help students check if they are on track for the TCE standards and credit points needed for their future pathway.  Course changes can also impact on eligibility for an ATAR, see University entrance for ATAR eligibility information.

Support available

Schools’ TASC Liaison Officer can assist the school in understanding the requirements. TLOs can contact TASC for help and if they have any questions, by contacting

Dates to be confirmed and provided shortly.

Following the closure date, schools may make a request to TASC for a change in student course enrolment.

If there is a requirement for a course movement change (for example, movement into a lower-level course) then TASC requires some supporting evidence for the change.

Course change process (after closure date)

Make a request for a change in enrolment via a ‘Quality Assurance’ task in TRACS. Ensure you attach the required evidence listed below:

  • evidence of individual student participation (attendance records and assessment records) in the previous and ‘new’ course (examples of completed assessment tasks may be requested)
  • school policy and procedure documents for course changes, and how these were applied in the specific case
  • evidence of management of the course change (eg prior tasks re-assessed for ‘new’ course’s criteria/standards, work requirements needing to be undertaken, mapping of previous and ‘new’ course content, and plan to address identified gaps in content)
  • evidence of delivery and assessment in the ‘new’ course to date (eg scope and sequence, assessment records, attendance records).

If you have any queries please contact the Quality Assurance team via TRACS or send an email to