As per the TASC Registration Policy, all schools and other education providers that intend to deliver TASC-accredited courses, and require TASC to issue formal qualifications, must register with TASC each year.

  • NB: For providers planning to register with TASC for the first time we request that you submit an Intention to Register with TASC form. For more information see the Registering with TASC (for the first time) – Guidelines.
  • Schools not delivering TASC-accredited courses are not required to register. This includes when an enrolled student attends another delivery school to participate in a TASC-accredited course. The delivery school will inform TASC of the student’s TASC course enrolments.

The annual School Registration process is outlined below:

Only a school principal or principal’s delegate is able to register the school within the TRACS portal.

NB: To meet TASC requirements, schools must agree to have clear internal policies and procedures to ensure the organisation complies with the Standards for the provision of TASC-accredited senior secondary courses. These Standards set clear and measurable requirements for all Tasmanian schools and other providers registered to deliver and assess TASC-accredited senior secondary courses. For more information, see the general information webpage and a detailed Standards document that unpacks the Provider Standards for schools and learners.

The TASC School Scope is a list of ALL the TASC-accredited courses that are being delivered and assessed at the school in the current year of registration. Only a school principal or principal’s delegate (including the TLO) is able to upload the School Scope within the TRACS portal.

The How to submit the TASC School Scope guide is available on the TRACS help portal.

Following confirmation of approved registration, providers submit a list of ALL the TASC-accredited courses being delivered at the school in the current year of registration. This includes TASC-accredited ‘other education’ courses, and Preliminary, Level 1 to Level 4. It also includes each individual course that has been ‘packaged’ or ‘bundled’ into a set by a school.

Note, the following are not included in the course scope:

Note: TASC-accredited senior secondary courses are designed for study by learners after the completion of Year 10. TASC will consider requests to deliver accredited courses to Year 10 students in some circumstances – see Pre-Year 11 enrolments in TASC-accredited courses.

Each year in February, Catholic and Independent schools are asked to provide staff, class and student information to TASC using spreadsheet templates which are emailed directly to schools. These templates include the school’s staff, classes and students from the previous year (excluding Year 12 students from the previous year).

  1. Using the TRACS Staff template, schools provide information about ALL senior secondary staff in the school expected to interact with TASC. This includes senior secondary teachers (including those teaching TASC accredited courses), the Principal and Assistant Principal, TASC Liaison Officers and other staff.
  2. Using the TRACS Class template, schools provide information about staff teaching TASC accredited. This will enable teachers to login to TRACS to enter student internal results, upload folios and communicate with TASC.
  3. Using the TRACS Student template, schools provide student details such as personal information, year level and classes enrolled. This includes:
    • Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students enrolled at the school.
    • Students from other schools (i.e. School B) doing TASC-accredited courses at your school (i.e. School A). This means that School A should provide information about School B students undertaking courses at School A).
    • Any other enrolled students undertaking TASC-accredited courses.

In all cases, if you DO NOT have data to add into a field, then leave the column in the spreadsheet BLANK.

Please do not enter classes details for:


  • Further changes can be made in TRACS by schools throughout the year.
  • Government schools must continue to use EduPoint for staff and student updates (data is automatically transferred to TRACS).
  • Where two (or more) schools have enrolled a student, TASC will assign home schools primarily based on which school the student has a Home Group at. This information should be entered in the spreadsheet template.
  • Catholic and Independent high schools not delivering TASC-accredited courses need to provide the TRACS student template for their Year 10 students (as per Step 4).

TASC requires ALL students studying one or more TASC-accredited courses to check and sign a new Student Declaration Form each year, declaring they are aware of, and will comply with, all relevant TASC requirements.

The form includes the student’s personal email address so TASC can provide them with their results via email.

Government school student enrolment data is maintained in Edupoint.

When students withdraw from a non-government school:

  • The school deletes the student’s enrolments in each course in the CMS.
  • The school informs TASC, providing the student name, TASC ID and school they have moved to.
  • TASC updates the school enrolment record and informs DSI to ensure that the student is not listed as LEFT in the records until rollover the following year.

When students arrive at a non-government school mid-year:

  • The school informs TASC, providing the student name, TASC ID (if available) and school they have moved from.
  • TASC updates the school enrolment record and informs DSI to ensure that the student is listed in the new school records.

When Tasmanian students arrive at a new school:

  • Schools can only see student information once the students are registered against the new school by TASC at the start of the year (after the March TRACS rollover) or throughout the year once TASC is alerted to a change of school.
  • Until students are registered by TASC at the new school, schools should contact the previous school to discuss the transition.

When students at a non-government school change their name:

  • The school verifies the name change and informs TASC, providing the student’s old and new names and TASC ID.
  • TASC updates the student record and informs DSI to ensure that the student is listed correctly.

When home-schooled students change their name:

  • Students not at a school must notify TASC of a name change. Students must write to and provide their old and new names and TASC ID. A copy of the certificate of change of name or passport (with the new name) must be provided. Alternatively, both parents named on the student’s birth certificate can provide TASC with a copy of their photo ID and written consent for the name change.

Each year TASC collects from schools a fee for each full-fee paying international student (500 Visa) enrolled in one or more TASC senior secondary courses.

Please see our fees and charges page for more information.