TASC requires Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) delivering to Tasmanian clients to provide AVS-validated, error-free AVETMISS VET Provider Collection data quarterly, plus an additional submission in December. See the reporting schedule below.

A Tasmanian client is defined as a person with a Tasmanian postcode: 7000-7999. If your RTO management software is not capable of extracting only Tasmanian clients, lodge your AVETMISS VET Provider Collection following the instructions below and TASC will process it.

Preparing and submitting your AVETMISS VET Provider Collection data

RTOs must submit their AVETMISS Provider Collection to TASC following the instructions below:

Step 1 Extract from your RTO student management system (SMS) the most complete, up-to-date

AVETMISS VET Provider Collection

For inclusion dates, see the reporting schedule below

Step 2 Validate your AVETMISS VET Provider Collection using the online NCVER AVS validation tool

Retain the auto-created CollectionProcessingSummaryReport.pdf for Step 5

Step 3 Zip your valid, error-free AVETMISS VET Provider Collection

Rename the zipped file so we can identify your RTO: ID-Code_Title_AVETMISS_Q_year

e.g. 60142_TasTAFE_AVETMISS_Q3_2024

Step 4 Create an email addressed to: results@tasc.tas.gov.au

Identify your RTO in the email Subject line

e.g. 60142_TasTAFE_AVETMISS_Q3_2024

Step 5 Attach your validated, zipped AVETMISS VET Provider Collection as well as the


Step 6 Send your quarterly email to results@tasc.tas.gov.au
If your RTO has no quarterly training to report, create an email to results@tasc.tas.gov.au with the following details in the email Subject line: nil attainments

e.g. 60142_TasTAFE_AVETMISS_Q3_2024_nil_attainments

Reporting checklist

TASC AVETMISS VET Provider Collection data must include:

  • Training attainment records for every Tasmanian client of any age;
  • All result records for every client, regardless of funding;
  • Cumulative AVS-validated AVETMISS VET Provider Collection data reported quarterly plus an interim report in December.

Prior to submitting, TASC quarterly AVETMISS VET Provider Collection data must be AVS-validated with the online NCVER AVS validation tool. AVS Validation errors must be resolved before lodging.

An AVS Validation (CollectionProcessingSummaryReport.pdf) report must be attached to confirm AVETMISS VET Provider Collection data files are valid and error-free.

TASC requires RTOs to provide their AVETMISS VET Provider Collection as a set of AVS-validated, error-free AVETMISS files in the national AVETMISS 8.0 Standard; the same format required by NCVER and Skills Tasmania.

AVETMISS VET Provider Collection data submissions are cumulative through each calendar year. Each quarter AVETMISS must include all results for the calendar year up to the schedule date.

TASC AVETMISS VET Provider Collection data comprises the full set of ten NAT.txt files:

NAT000030 or NAT00030A

2024 TASC attainment reporting schedule

Year Quarter Period start Period end Due by
2024 1 01/01/2024 31/03/2024 12/04/2024
2024 2 01/01/2024 30/06/2024 12/07/2024
2024 3 01/01/2024 30/09/2024 18/10/2024
2024 Interim 01/01/2024 To Date* 06/12/2024
2025 4 01/01/2024 31/12/2024 17/01/2025

*December 2024 – Submission is required for RTOs delivering to any Tasmanian client. This submission is critical as results may determine Tasmanian Certificate of Education eligibility.

If your organisation is having difficulty meeting the above requirements please contact TASC.

Legislative requirements

Reporting is a legislative requirement for all RTOs as outlined in Section 64C of the Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification Act 2003.

RTOs must also comply with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.

Specifically Standards 8.5 and 8.6:

  • 8.5 The RTO complies with Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation and regulatory requirements relevant to its operations.
  • 8.6 The RTO ensures its staff and clients are informed of any changes to legislative and regulatory requirements that affect the services delivered.