Awards and ratings you could receive

The overall awards you could receive for a TASC accredited course are: 

  • Limited Achievement
  • Preliminary Achievement 
  • Satisfactory Achievement 
  • Commendable Achievement
  • High Achievement 
  • Exceptional Achievement. 

The Vocational Education and Training awards you could receive on TASC-issued results documents are: 

  • units – Competency Achieved
  • qualifications – Achieved. 

How TASC course awards are calculated

To help you understand how your results are calculated, see the:

Your final award for a TASC-accredited course is determined by TASC from the internal assessment ratings and external assessment ratings (where applicable) that you achieve. How many ratings there are for each course, and how many are from internal assessment and external assessment are detailed on the Course page for each course under “Award Requirements”. 

A course will contribute to your Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) if you achieve an overall award of Preliminary Achievement (PA) or higher. The number of TCE credit points you receive for each course is listed on the Course page for each course. 

Internal assessment 

Your teacher for each course assesses your achievement during the year. The number and type of internal assessments depend on the course you are studying, and are outlined on the Course page for the course under “Work Requirements”. 

External assessment 

Only Level 3 and 4 courses have external assessment requirements. These may be a written or oral exam, folio, project work, practical or display assessment. These courses are externally assessed by TASC markers. External assessment details are outlined on the Course page for each course under “External Assessment Requirements”. 

Derived exam ratings 

Derived exam ratings are used to determine your external assessment results, if it is accepted that you are sick or experience an emergency and can’t attend your exam (in whole or in part). You need to apply to receive derived exam ratings. For more information, see Derived Exam Ratings.