The content statements in this section, taken from ACARA-developed English as an Additional Language or Dialect Bridging Units 1 and 2, and Units 3 and 4 documents endorsed by Education Ministers as the agreed and common base for course development, are to be used to define expectations for the meaning (nature, scope and level of demand) of relevant aspects of the sections in this document setting out course requirements, learning outcomes, the course content and standards in the assessment.
English as an Additional Language or Dialect: Bridging Unit 1
Content Descriptions
Communication skills and strategies including:
- communicating needs and ideas to others using visual cues or home language or dialect (ACEEA105)
- repeating modelled pronunciation and intonation, patterns of words, phrases, simple clauses, and sentences (ACEEA106)
- engaging in group work to promote language learning (ACEEA107)
- understanding common cultural gestures and behaviours used by SAE speakers; for example, nods, eye contact, and non-verbal behaviour such as turn-taking and the distance deemed appropriate when engaging in conversation (ACEEA108)
Comprehension skills and strategies including:
- using visual information and home language or dialect to support understanding (ACEEA109)
- identifying characters and settings presented in stories (ACEEA110)
- keeping charts or lists to organise or classify new vocabulary and knowledge (ACEEA111)
- retelling the gist and responding to texts and ideas considered in class (ACEEA112)
- identifying familiar vocabulary and morphemes, and using these to determine meaning from texts (ACEEA113)
- using dictionaries, picture dictionaries and bilingual resources to understand texts (ACEEA114)
Create a range of texts:
- using some written and oral text forms and grammatical structures, including the linear sequencing of events through the use of simple sentences, conjunctions, punctuation and paragraphs (ACEEA120) using simple first-person recounts and descriptions (ACEEA121)
- using organisers representations of information (ACEEA122)
- using everyday vocabulary (ACEEA123)
- using commonly used logographs, for example $, &, and abbreviations, for example Mr, Mrs (ACEEA124)
- using teacher editing and conferencing including editing for word order, articles, prepositions and simple tenses (ACEEA125)
(The section “Language and text analysis skills and strategies” from Bridging Unit 1 is not included in this course)
English as an Additional Language or Dialect: Bridging Unit 2
Content Descriptions
Communication skills and strategies including:
- communicating ideas orally, digitally and in writing; rewording for understanding and asking for clarification or repetition; using home language or dialect (ACEEA126)
- independently approximating the pronunciation, intonation and stress of words and phrases (ACEEA127)
- collaborating to produce short texts that present facts, a point of view or opinion (ACEEA128)
- using rules of politeness in SAE for everyday situations, for example, through acknowledging the speaker when being spoken to, interacting with a range of participants, entering and exiting conversations, making email contact or using protocols in social situations such as visiting or dining (ACEEA129)
Comprehension skills and strategies including:
- interpreting non-verbal cues and intonation to guess the meaning in unfamiliar situations (ACEEA130)
- identifying and describing characters, settings and events presented in stories (ACEEA131)
- using simple graphic organisers (ACEEA132)
- identifying essential information from a range of familiar texts (ACEEA133)
- retelling and responding to familiar texts (ACEEA134)
- using known vocabulary and familiar text structures to find information (ACEEA135)
- using modelled research skills and strategies to find information (ACEEA136)
Create a range of texts:
- using simple written and oral text forms, punctuation and grammatical structures including graphic representations of information (ACEEA143)
- using descriptions of people, places and events (ACEEA144)
- using a growing range of technologies and mediums (ACEEA145)
- using simple comparative language, and reference items such as referential and demonstrative pronouns (ACEEA146)
- using modal adjectives and adverbs, for example, always, never, sometimes, often (ACEEA147)
- using familiar vocabulary including countable and uncountable nouns (ACEEA148)
- using growing accuracy with spelling (ACEEA149)
- using a growing range of conjunctions (ACEEA150)
- using simple strategies for planning and editing (ACEEA151)
(The section “Language and text analysis skills and strategies” from Bridging Unit 2 is not included in this course)
English as an Additional Language or Dialect: Bridging Unit 3
Content Descriptions
Communication skills and strategies including:
- communicating ideas and opinions in a growing range of situations and rephrasing when meaning is unclear (ACEEA152)
- using intelligible pronunciation and intonation of words and phrases (ACEEA153)
- adopting expected listening behaviours in some unfamiliar situations (ACEEA155)
Comprehension skills and strategies including:
- translating from home language or dialect to SAE (ACEEA159)
- identifying and responding to the main ideas in a range of familiar texts (ACEEA162)
- identifying and explaining common cultural references, idiomatic language and simple colloquialisms (ACEEA164)
- employing ICT and investigative strategies to locate information from other sources. (ACEEA165)
Create a range of texts:
- using appropriate form, content and style for a range of common purposes and audiences (ACEEA171)
- using commonly used technologies and media (ACEEA174)
- using a growing range of strategies for planning and refining work, including editing for correct simple tenses, common punctuation, and a variety of simple and compound sentences (ACEEA179)
English as an Additional Language or Dialect: Bridging Unit 4
Content Descriptions
Communication skills and strategies including:
- interacting with others in oral, written and digital forms in a range of contexts (ACEEA180)
- working collaboratively in learning activities (ACEEA183)
- using intelligible pronunciation, intonation and stress of words and phrases (ACEEA181)
Comprehension skills and strategies including:
- using knowledge of text structure to locate information and to aid understanding of increasingly unfamiliar texts (ACEEA186)
- identifying and describing the main ideas and some supporting details in a range of familiar and some unfamiliar texts (ACEEA189)
Create a range of texts:
- using appropriate form, content and style for a range of common, and some unfamiliar, purposes and audiences (ACEEA197)
- using strategies for planning and refining work such as editing for consistent use of common punctuation (ACEEA204)
- using a combination of technologies and mediums (ACEEA198)