TCE credit points
Course code
Course span
2020 — 2025
Reading and writing standard
Mathematics standard
Computers and internet standard
This course was delivered in 2024. Use A-Z Courses to find the current version (if available).

English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) focuses on language learning and the explicit teaching of the structure, linguistic features and sociolinguistic and sociocultural aspects of Standard Australian English (SAE)

Standard Australian English is the variety of spoken and written English language in Australia used in more formal settings such as for official or public purposes, and recorded in dictionaries, style guides and grammars. While it is always dynamic and evolving, it is recognised as the 'common language' of Australians. Through close study of language and meaning, learners of EAL/D explore how learning in and through English language influences their own and others' personal, social and cultural identities and thought processes. They develop skills that enable them to use different registers of spoken and written SAE so they can communicate effectively in a range of contexts and for a variety of purposes in order to become effective cross-cultural users of language and dialect. EAL/D provides opportunities for learners to engage reflectively and critically with a broad range of spoken, written and multimodal texts. Students learn to create (individually and collaboratively) increasingly complex texts for different purposes and audiences in different forms, modes and mediums. This course develops learners' academic English skills in order to prepare them for tertiary study.