TCE credit points
Course code
Course span
2014 — 2025
Reading and writing standard
Mathematics standard
Computers and internet standard
This course is current for 2025.

English Literature focuses on the study of literary texts, developing learners as independent, innovative and creative learners and thinkers who appreciate the aesthetic use of language, evaluate perspectives and evidence, and challenge ideas and interpretations

English Literature explores how literary texts shape perceptions of the world and enable us to enter other worlds of the imagination. In this course learners actively participate in the dialogue and detail of literary analysis and the creation of imaginative and analytical texts in a range of modes, mediums and forms. Learners enjoy and respond creatively and critically to literary texts drawn from the past and present and from Australian and other cultures. They reflect on what these texts offer them as individuals, as members of Australian society, and as world citizens. Learners establish and articulate their views through creative response and logical argument. They reflect on qualities of literary texts, appreciate the power of language and inquire into the relationships between personal preference and texts, authors, audiences and contexts as they explore ideas, concepts, attitudes and values.