There are five modules:
approximately 20% of course design-time |
approximately 15% of course design-time |
approximately 30% of course design-time |
approximately 15% of course design-time |
approximately 20% of course design-time |
Modules do not have to be delivered in the sequence shown above. Providers can design programs of study that combine the modules, so long as all modules are covered.
(approximately 20% of course design-time)
Focus: This module explicitly develops the technical skills that underpin the course by focusing on the tools of writing and the process of developing an idea into a crafted piece.
Learners will explore and experiment with voice, tone, point of view, dialogue, sentence structure, syntax, imagery, use of detail, characterisation, opening, closing and the purpose of titles. Examples from modern and traditional texts will be shared to illustrate their use, and encourage trialling of techniques. Revision strategies will also be covered, including workshopping and taking different points of entry.
Descriptive Writing
How writers use language for effect, especially imagery, is researched and explored. Learners will experiment with ‘showing not telling’ while considering examples of different styles of descriptive writing will demonstrate the breadth and effect of description.
Words and Meanings
Words carry the writer’s message. Work will focus on the writer’s meaning, vocabulary, linguistic choices for topic, context and style and the rhythms of language. The effects of characters’ names and of settings and titles on the audience’s understanding of the writer’s intentions are explored.
Creating Character
The focus will be on a close observation of people, at the ways they see the world, and how different people react in different contexts. The ways characters are developed through their actions and perspectives are also examined. Students work on making their writing convincing using a balance of description, dialogue and plot development. The effect of creating characters as reliable or unreliable narrators for their audience is discussed.
Dialogue and Monologue
The development of voice through the writing of interior monologue and dialogue in both prose and script is explored. How voice reflects character is considered. The use of silence and underplay is also explored.
Point of View
Learners look at how point of view is used to guide readers to reflect on ideas and issues and the effect of perspective on writing. Perspectives including third person omniscient or limited perspective will be experimented with and contrasted with the effect of telling from first or second person perspective.
Writing Structures
The range of possibilities for structuring writing is explored in prose, for example, time shifts, multiple narratives, ‘what if?’ stories and combinations of prose forms are explored. Openings, lead sentences, paragraphing, linking are worked on. Plot structures will be considered, including the effects of major and minor climaxes in the story line.
Writers and Research
Research takes many forms for writers. Research might involve focuses on the context, the social, economic and political circumstances of an idea.
The Writing Process
Through close examination of writing samples including their own, learners refine their drafting and editing skills. The process of workshopping writing in a collaborative way is emphasised.
Rules and Conventions of Writing for Publication
Common grammatical and punctuation rules and their purposes are explored. Referencing and publishing conventions will be considered and practised. Through close examination of writing samples including their own and others in their writing community, students will refine their editing skills and gain experience of publication requirements.
(approximately 15% of course design-time)
Focus: The aim of this module is for learners to become familiar with the ways writers develop their ideas into texts and to practise some of these techniques. They will consider how authors, essayists, poets, playwrights, journalists, social commentators and biographers create work within their social contexts, and use specific structures and techniques to express their ideas.
Learners will choose the most appropriate activities for their Module B studies from the following list:
- interview and/ or research a writer to understand their writing process
- reflect on how a small number of writers are influenced by their context and times
- explore ideas and their treatment by writers within a genre
- explore the treatment of a specific idea or theme by writers in two or three genres.
- consider how writers model or borrow ideas or elements of style from other writers
- read like a writer, by identifying elements of style that can be appropriated
- discuss the development of a writing style with a visiting writer
- explore, through close reading and reflection, the language and structural decisions writers make.
Learners will share their ideas with their writing community and then emulate some aspects of others’ writing styles.
Examples of ways learners may create texts in this Module include:
- considering how writers reflect on a specific theme like the importance of identity and create a text that explores similar themes. In this way the students are reflecting on the way the themes are treated structurally as well as thematically. For example, Edmund De Waal’s The Hare with Amber Eyes tells his family’s story through the ownership of a collection of netsuke that moves within time and place or Anne’s Frank’s The Diary of Anne Frank where she considers her relationship with her mother and father.
- exploring the way a writer’s themes mirror or do not relate to their own lives. For example, they might consider what writers like Robert Jordan, Stephen Donaldson, JRR Tolkien or Brian Jacques do with the themes and writing styles of the wide fantasy genre. They would then interpret those themes in a style that uses some of those elements.
In this Module learners will explicitly consider:
- issues of academic integrity
- how they can appropriately respond to such issues
- the similarities and differences between issues of academic integrity (for students) and intellectual property (i.e. copyright laws as they relate to professional writers and others).
(approximately 30% of the course design-time)
Focus: This module develops learners’ understanding of how ideas are communicated through exploring forms and genres.
There are two parts to this module.
Learners are introduced to a range of ideas, in many forms. Examples of writing include: exploring the individual within their environment; the outsider; life decisions and consequences; love and death; and fantasy and reality. Students consider the importance of context - from different perspectives - in the creation of texts. They develop their own plans for exploring an idea or issue, then trial particular forms to best develop that idea.
This part of the module focuses on how writers use major writing forms to explore contemporary ideas and issues. The elements and explicit rules of a specific form are studied, and ways that writers conform to them, or are challenged by them, are explored. The development of an understanding of structures and features of various forms is achieved through wide reading, discussion and experimentation. Four of the following five writing forms are examined closely:
- the forms of different genres and hybrid genres
- poetry
- at least one form of expository writing (e.g. feature article, autobiography, biography, travel)
- the short story
- film or stage script.
The purpose of this module is to develop learners’ understanding of how ideas are structured to meet the elements of the form. The focus is also on exploring current forms and genres.
(approximately 15% of course design-time)
The Module has two parts. Both parts are compulsory.
Module Focus: Learners explore the opportunities technology and the internet offer for innovative writing. Technologies and the internet have developed diverse opportunities for writing and sharing texts. In this study learners investigate the impact 21st Century technology is having on reading and writing.
Focus: Learners consider how technology within the internet, on mobile phones and tablets, influence ways text is read (‘eReading’) and written (‘eWriting’). Learners explore the opportunities current technologies offer to writers from both a creative and analytical perspective.
Learners will consider the impact of technology and the internet on:
- when and where people read and write:
- time frames for reading
- contexts that exclude extended, concentrated reading
- what is read and written (topics may include, but are not limited to:
- information rich texts
- the range of genres used
- publishing original texts or extracts/chapter 1 with links to longer texts
- invitations to contribute to sites
- the use of the personal voice, including blogs and tweets
- a range of writing styles, and their effect in political and social contexts)
- how texts are read and written (topics may include, but are not limited to:
- scanning vs reading each word
- F-shaped pattern reading
- ‘inverted pyramid’ style (start with the conclusion)
- concise, meaningful text (clarity of ideas vs number of words)
- the effects of visual and interaction design)
- use of multimedia and multimodal forms to retain the reader’s attention/interest
- searching and navigating sites
- layout and ‘syntax for the web’ (varying sentence lengths, use of headings, bullets, and styles)
- changing expectations/experiences of reading and writing (topics may include, but are not limited to:
- text only or text with illustrations vs multimodal presentations
- creative commons movement
- the rapid time deterioration of texts)
- content chunks, use of narrative voices.
From their investigations learners create texts: individually or in a small group. While these texts offer opportunities for e-publication the aim is not necessarily to contribute to the live web, but rather to create texts that meet the requirements of specific electronic text-types. Learners reflect on the effects that 21st Century technology is having on writing for the ‘eReading’ audience, and develop their understanding of the purposes new technologies fulfil and the effects they are having on writing styles and audience responses.
Writing opportunities include creating:
- an email newsletter for a charity
- text for a website of a few pages for a cultural group (a band, a poets’ society, an on-line limited audience magazine)
- text for an interactive website of a few pages that relates to a specific purpose (e.g. travel information, live music outlets)
- a blog written on a specific topic
- a collaborative project (of no more than 3 writers) that uses a range of writing styles
- a narrative that uses forms of social media as its structure and form of publication.
Focus: Learners consider the impact of technology and the internet on writers, writing and related issues (such as e-publishing, the writing process or social media).
Learners select one topic from those listed below, undertake a short research project on the topic, and create a written analytical report on their findings.
Examine the impact on-screen texts are having on traditional print publications, and their possible future impacts on writers.
(An examination of the impact of technology and the internet on traditional print publications. How has the publication of novels, poems, plays, essays and/or news items changed over the past 10 years? What might the future hold? What are the implications of such changes for the writer?)
An investigation of a range of innovative and experimental writing techniques that push the boundaries of conventions.
- Social Media: Everyone’s an Author!
Investigate the writing styles, ideas and issues explored in formal on-screen texts (like blogs, social media websites, forums and ‘chats’) and consider their impact.
(What is ‘social media’? What writing conventions are used? What are the ideas and issues people write about using social media? Who reads social media? Why? What is the impact of social media on the writer, and on society?)
- ‘The Medium is the Message’
Before the advent of personal computers Marshall McLuhan, in his text ‘Understanding Media: the Extensions of Man’ (1964), coined the phrase ‘The medium is the message’. Students investigate the ways in which computer technology has impacted on the process of writing and the impact of specific audiences on the medium.
(The tools/methods used to create written text have changed over time, and these changes have had impact on the writing process itself. In this study students briefly review major historical changes (e.g. papyrus rolls, parchment codex, pen and paper, typewriters) and consider the impact of such methods on the process of writing. Students undertake an in-depth study of the ways in which computer technology has impacted on the process of writing (e.g. ease of deletion/alteration/revision, tools such as auto-corrections, formatting tools, saving and sharing writing, collaborative writing, publishing), and the impact of specific audiences on the medium.)
(approximately 20% of course design-time)
Focus - Learners negotiate, plan and complete a writing project of between 2500 – 4000 words for external assessment.
The Writing Project must be included in the Writing folio. The Module provides learners with the opportunity to create a lengthy single piece or a collection of unified pieces.
Details and work requirements for the external assessment are given in the TASC-published Writing Folio Guidelines for the year in which study is undertaken.