Learners must be undertaking a recognised sporting competition accredited by a national sporting body in the calendar year the module is undertaken. The learner will work with a qualified coach (endorsed by the sport’s peak body) who will communicate regularly with the teacher. The teacher will oversee, mentor and help manage the overall program including all required activities in the nominated sport.
The learner will develop knowledge, skills and experience to improve their performance. In this module the athlete will undertake the practical elements of training. It is mandatory to maintain records of sessions and competitions related to this module in the Athlete Training Journal.
The coach will be required to provide regular and formal feedback to inform teachers’ assessment of the specialist and competition components of the learner’s program. While the coach may also use information from the Athlete Training Journal as partial evidence for assessment, the teacher will be responsible for: designing assessment methodologies and collating judgements; interpreting and aligning feedback to the course criteria; and making and recording all aspects of overall student assessment. (See Appendix 2 for role of Coach in assessment.)
Minimum Work Requirements
Work Requirement
Example Product
(All evidences mentioned below should be recorded and stored in an appropriate section within the Athlete Training Journal.) |
Criteria |
Annual Training Plan – Specialist and Technical |
Generate a spreadsheet, table or similar document format that outlines the training load, focus areas and time requirements for specialist and technical elements of the overall program. |
2, 4 |
Annual Competition Plan |
Generate a spreadsheet, table or similar document format that outlines the annual competition plan, reflects the events of major focus and aligns to Annual Training Plans. |
2, 4 |
Competition Reviews |
Following each competition undertake a reflective self-analysis and record key points and outcomes in the Athlete Training Journal. |
1, 2, 3, 5 |
Training Journal |
Record details of each session, including positives, areas to work on next session, key observations and notes. This information should be included in an appropriate section within the Athlete Training Journal. |
1, 2, 3, 5 |
Coach Feedback – Athlete Reflection and Plan |
In response to formal evaluation from the coach identify key areas to address, personal goals, action plan and KPIs for next training and/or competition phase. The learner may wish to meet and collaborate with the specialist coach and teacher as part of this process. This information must be included in an appropriate section within the Athlete Training Journal. |
1, 2, 3, 5 |
Season Review |
Using the data in the Athlete Training Journal as a basis undertake a review of the full training year. Take note of significant observations for each phase including noting and detailing areas of significance both in terms of wanting to replicate and also in needing significant refinement. Produce a table that summarizes the review and indicates key recommendations and priorities to inform next season’s planning. This information must be included in an appropriate section within the Athlete Training Journal. |
3, 4, 5 |
The implementation of a physical preparation and technical training program is fundamental to improving athletic performance. There will be a focus on preparing and implementing an appropriate program based on:
- the components of fitness and appropriate testing regimes
- a range of contemporary strength, conditioning and recovery methods
- planning a program utilising periodisation as a basis for long-term goal achievement.
Learners must undertake appropriate fitness tests during their program of study. These will be at the beginning and towards the end of the course.
Learners will gain knowledge and understanding of:
- fitness testing and measurement protocols
- how testing is conducted
- why testing is conducted
- how to read/interpret test result
- how results can be used in the process of:
- setting of personal performance goals
- developing, modifying, and adapting the physical preparation and technical training program.
In addition, the Athlete Training Journal will be used as a record where learners: outline personal goals; record communications regrading fitness tests and their results; and their physical preparation and technical training program.
Learners may use an appropriate electronic journal tool in line with contemporary high performance sport programs.
Learners will work towards achieving incremental improvements during each phase of their training program.
Minimum Work Requirements
Task |
Example Product
(All evidences mentioned below should be recorded and stored in an appropriate section within the Athlete Training Journal.) |
Criteria |
Research Task – Sport Specific Norms and Targets |
Identify the key parameters measured for the chosen sport. Locate the tests, norms and targets used by the National body and record these as resources which will be helpful in establishing personal goals, priorities and programs. |
1, 3, 4, 5 |
Summary of Test Protocols |
Compile a collection of protocols that relate to the specific sport and are being used to regularly monitor progress and that align with the instruments being used for state and national programs. |
1, 4, 5 |
Interpreting Test Data |
Compare test data to personal targets and sport specific norms. Identify areas of improvement, concern and success. Summarise the significance in terms of the program preceding testing and list recommendations of areas to address and refine. |
1, 3, 4, 5 |
Review and Goal Setting |
Use and comment on the collection of test results and data interpretation over time to generate new or updated short, mid and possibly longer term goals. Consider targets and progress against timelines in this process. |
1, 4, 5 |
Learners will develop an understanding of the critical elements that impact on sports performance.
Learners will complete five (5) compulsory units and one (1) elective unit.
Compulsory Units:
1. Goal Setting
1.1 Goal setting – purposes and priorities
1.2 Effective use of time
1.3 Personal commitments and organisation
2. Basic Physiology
2.1 The skeletal system
- role during exercise
- genetic and developmental considerations
- posture, diet and injury prevention
2.2 The muscular system
- role in movement
- genetics, muscle fibre types and advantages for sports
- hypertrophy and atrophy
- impact of aerobic and aerobic training methods
- developing core strength and stabilisers
2.3 The circulatory system
- components and roles
- impacts on exercise performance
- training adaptations
2.4 The respiratory system
- components and roles
- impacts on exercise performance
- training adaptations
- asthma, air quality, and extreme weather conditions
2.5 System integration in sport
- relative roles and significance of body systems in your sport
- combined impact on sports performance
- implications for training program design and personal performance
3. Nutrition and Recovery
3.1 Food types and classification
3.2 Basic diet analysis
3.3 Special requirements for athletes
3.4 Introduction to recovery
3.5 Drug testing procedures, ASADA, information sources, supplement and substance awareness
4. Injury Prevention and Management
4.1 Classification of injury
4.2 Prevention of injury – managing safety, preparation and recovery
4.3 Treatment of injury – short and long term
4.4 Basic taping methods
4.5 Roles of sports medical professionals
4.6 Establishing contacts: building your support team
5. Competition
5.1 Planning
5.2 Travelling to compete
5.3 Pre-competition lead-up
5.4 Post-competition follow-up
5.5 Applied psychology.
Elective: choose and complete* one of the following elements
coaching certification** – successful completion of appropriate sport specific course (approx. 8 hours)
refereeing certification** – successful completion of appropriate sport specific course (approx. 8 hours)
Annual Program Planning (approx. 8 hours)
- periodisation, workload and training phases
- Individual sport-specific program design
- Using technology to help display and manage training across, macrocycles, mesocycles and microcycles
* Learners must participate for the full time allocation of a certified course to meet the requirements of this elective. In the event that the learner does not a) compete the course or b) gain certification, their assessment must reflect this.
** Note these may have varying requirements depending on the sport undertaken. The provider will need to liaise with the appropriate sporting body for information to ensure alignment with the most current and appropriate certification program.
Minimum Work Requirements
Task |
Example Product
(All evidences mentioned below should be recorded and stored in an appropriate section within the Athlete Training Journal.) |
Criteria |
Personal Time Management Chart |
Create a 7 day timetable that shows a realistic and manageable routine to help meet regular commitments to study, conditioning, sport specific and technical sessions, recovery sessions, work, family and social life. |
2, 4 |
Goal Setting |
Create a set of goals for the next 12 weeks. Break these into monthly and weekly goals and demonstrate how by regularly meeting modest KPIs steady progress can lead to meeting major goals. |
2, 3, 4, 5 |
System Integration Assignment |
Using the demand of the chosen sport: outline the relative contributions and significance of each of the 4 key systems. Explain how they integrate to impact on performance in competition. Examine the implications for training. |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
Nutrition |
Create a weekly training and competition eating plan. Explain the choices, amounts and timing. |
2, 4, 5 |
Injury and Recovery Management |
Create a 1 page flow chart that depicts the recommended actions to take following training/competition in order to
a) support recovery and
b) treat injuries. |
2, 4, 5 |
Competition Plan |
Choose a mid-season event of moderate significance. Develop a checklist to assess and reflect on the details and effectiveness of planning, travelling to venue, lead-up, follow-up and psychological elements of competition performance. |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |