TCE credit points
Course code
Course span
2016 — 2025
Reading and writing standard
Mathematics standard
Computers and internet standard
This course is current for 2025.

Australia in Asia and the Pacific course enables learners to study the social, cultural, religious and geographical diversity of the Australia, Asia and Pacific region

Its focus is on building an understanding of the need to become 'Asia literate'. It is also designed to encourage learners to develop understanding of the importance of Australia's relationships within the region in the 20th and 21st centuries. Australia in Asia and the Pacific nurtures learner's appreciation of, and respect for, diversity. It also gives learners an opportunity to develop understanding of what it means to be a global citizen. Themes running through the course topics include geographic and human diversity, relationships and environmental issues. Learners are introduced to a range of study methodologies that call for informed appraisals based on research that has rigour and integrity, and involves thorough, objective and sensitive investigation of human heritage and beliefs in an authentic learning environment. Disciplines developed within the course contribute to a life long capacity for rational understanding and tolerant viewpoints to be developed in the context of the present day, or in other environments and times. Learners will apply knowledge, skills and values they acquire to make sound judgements in their role as active and informed citizens in the workplace and within a global society.