TCE credit points
Course code
Course span
2016 — 2017
Reading and writing standard
Mathematics standard
Computers and internet standard
This course was delivered in 2017. Use A-Z Courses to find the current version (if available).

Introduction to Sociology and Psychology Level 2 uses an interdisciplinary approach through which learners develop an understanding of themselves and other individuals, groups and institutions within society and across cultures

It explores common human experiences and the interaction between motivation and behaviour. Through evidence based research and using the lenses of sociology and psychology, learners are encouraged to ask critical questions about social phenomena. Through this course, learners gain valuable insights and understandings of both themselves and their worlds. They develop social and cultural literacy, i.e. the essential skills, understandings and capabilities, to understand themselves and influence their own future and to participate with greater tolerance and respect in contemporary society, locally, nationally and globally. The course benefits learners when they pursue further education in the disciplines of Sociology and Psychology and training and employment in a range of community and social services.