TCE credit points
Course code
Course span
2016 — 2025
Reading and writing standard
Mathematics standard
Computers and internet standard
This course was delivered in 2023. Use A-Z Courses to find the current version (if available).

Financial literacy is a combination of financial knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours necessary to make sound financial decisions, based on personal circumstances, to improve financial wellbeing

Having financial literacy means being able to understand and navigate the financial landscape and make good decisions about money. This can benefit individuals, families and communities. It helps people make informed choices, day-to-day and throughout their lives. This course supports the Australian Government's National Financial Literacy Strategy through its agency the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (see Appendix 2). Although low financial literacy may be found in any demographic group, it is more likely to be encountered in learners who are targeted by this course (www.financialliteracy.gov.au/media/546585/report-403_national-financial-literacy-strategy-2014-17.pdf p14).