TCE credit points
Course code
Course span
2016 — 2025
Reading and writing standard
Mathematics standard
Computers and internet standard
This course is current for 2025.

Business Studies - Foundation Level 2 enables learners to gain an understanding of small business and enterprise

The course develops the knowledge, understanding and skills that will inform learners about the small business environment in Australia and encourages them to participate in, and contribute to it. Learners are exposed to and encouraged to demonstrate enterprising behaviours and capabilities such as embracing change, seeking innovation and showing initiative. They will develop skills that enable them to identify contemporary small business opportunities, investigate these by collecting and interpreting relevant information and data, apply business reasoning and concepts to make informed decisions and reflect on, evaluate and communicate their conclusions. Business Studies - Foundation fosters business literacy that will ensure learners are better placed now and in the future to actively participate in small business. This will enable them to contribute to the development of a prosperous and sustainable economy and to secure their own financial wellbeing.