TCE credit points
Course code
Course span
2016 — 2026
Reading and writing standard
Mathematics standard
Computers and internet standard
This course is current for 2025.

Business Studies Level 3, gives learners the opportunity to understand how vital business is to the wealth and well-being of Australians and how it impacts on many aspects of our lives

Learners study the nature of business, key business functions and the importance of business practices and management strategies to the sustainability of businesses. The role of management and entrepreneurship are also recognised as powerful influences in business success. Business Studies assists learners to think critically about the role of business and about the ethical responsibilities business has to society. Business Studies develops business literacy which enhances a learner's ability to appreciate the issues that face businesses and stakeholders in a rapidly changing world and to make informed and rational decisions about business matters. Learners will be well equipped to be proactive participants in the world of business, behaving responsibly and demonstrating integrity in business activities.