TCE credit points
Course code
Course span
2017 — 2025
Reading and writing standard
Mathematics standard
Computers and internet standard
This course is current for 2025.

The Australian legal and political systems are the principal institutional cornerstones of our society

An understanding of Australian legal and political systems – their foundational principles, composition, operation and influences upon our way of life – are important for learners who want to contribute in an informed and effective way in our society. Legal Studies Level 3 gives learners core knowledge and equips them to describe and assess essential principles, features and institutions of our legal and political systems, and how they operate locally, nationally and in an international context. The course promotes understanding of the dynamic nature of Australia's liberal democracy, its interactive processes, and the pursuit of equity and justice under the rule of law. Study of this course will develop research and communication skills as learners identify and assess: structures and processes of government; sources of law; how the criminal justice system is structured and works; and how law and politics have both a national and international dimension. Learners will develop an understanding of the complexity of law and challenges faced by law makers both nationally and internationally. Understanding of course concepts will be deepened during inquiry into topical legal and political issues. Legal Studies Level 3 enables learners to apply knowledge, skills, and values they acquire to make sound and well informed judgements in their role as active citizens at local, state, national and global levels.