STAGE 2: (50, 100 AND 150 HOURS)
This stage has a size value of 5, 10 or 15.
At Stage 2, the focus is on present and recent history. Learners learn about their own recent history and that of their family. As participants in their own history, learners begin to develop an appreciation of how the past is different from the present.
Learners are supported to develop their curiosity of personally significant places by exploring some of the environmental and human features of the place in which they live and what they do there. They are developing an emerging understanding of spatial awareness such as location, direction and distance. Places will range in size from part of a room, to a building or area.
Learning about their own place through the use of multi-modal texts, images, maps, photos and models helps learners develop a sense of identity and connects them with a place. The emphasis in Stage 2 is on the significant places in which learners live and what they do in each place.
In Stage 2, learners are learning how to be socially responsive. They are developing an awareness of the emotions in themselves and others, and a sense of self by exploring their personal characteristics and abilities. The course provides opportunity for learners to participate in a variety of social situations. At this level learner involvement in social exchanges is directed and regulated by the teacher
Key questions:
- ‘What people are part of my immediate family?’
- ‘What stories do other people have about my recent past?’
- ‘How can stories and events of my present and recent past be told and shared?’
- ‘What do I like in a place?’
- ‘What do I dislike in a place?’
- who are the people in their immediate family are
- the structure of their immediate family
- awareness of significant commemorative events and ways they can assist with preparation
- stories about them and their family can be communicated, for example in photographs and digital media
- moving to different places and recognising some features/places on the way
- experience dreaming stories of the local country/places and their features
- observe and identify major weather types
- the major features of a place
- experience specific activities in a place
- places used regularly at school and activities they do there.
- reflect on significant events during their lifetime
- explore a range of sources that show families over time
- explore people’s perspective of events within their daily life
- explore features of objects from the past and present
- assist in constructing a narrative about a person or a shared past event.
- explore the features of a place and demonstrate a preference for certain features
- explore the location of regular places and activities in school
- explore the importance of places and participate in special events related to specific places
- assist to collect geographical data information
- use images to identify a familiar place.
- respond to people or events and demonstrate a range of emotions
- identify members of their family and some members of their class
- indicate their personal characteristics and the abilities they possess
- follow teacher direction, and orientate their attention to an activity or person, and persist in a task when supported by the teacher
- demonstrate some simple social skills including attending to others, giving/responding to greetings and following adult directions
- demonstrate awareness of basic social rules by responding to assistance provided by an adult
- participate in routine activities and interact with others in a range of familiar contexts instigated by the teacher.