TCE credit points
Course code
Course span
2015 — 2019
Reading and writing standard
Mathematics standard
Computers and internet standard
This course was delivered in 2017. Use A-Z Courses to find the current version (if available).

Making Moral Decisions introduces learners to ethics

It examines some major ethical theories, concerntrating on normative ethics, the study of moral philosophy, which determines the content of moral behaviour by providing guides. The impact of religion and associated ethical perspectives that impact on values, beliefs and ideas in the social, political and cultural processes of our world is essential for learners to consider and understand to assist them to become active, informed and global citizens. Making Moral Decisions will provide learners with the opportunity to investigate religious and secular worldviews, the role of beliefs and values in society and engage in critical enquiry about a range of ideas. The course aims to develop learners' understanding of normative ethical theories and how these ethical perspectives are evident in a number of worldviews practised in Tasmania today. They will develop their own reasoned and critical responses to various religious, philosophical and ethical dilemmas. Even though learners may not face some of the dilemmas covered in this course, thinking and working through the processes of making moral decisions may help provide them with an understanding of how decisions are made, the framework to assist with decision making and the factors that need to be considered when arriving at a possible cause of action.A central goal of the course is encouraging learners to come to a clearer and critical understanding of their own values and beliefs, as well as those of others, emphasising the important connections between moral beliefs and behaviour.