TCE credit points
Course code
Course span
2020 — 2025
Reading and writing standard
Mathematics standard
Computers and internet standard
This course is current for 2025.

Making Moral Decisions introduces learners to ethics

It examines some major normative ethical theories which concentrate on the principles or rules that guide moral behaviour. The impact of religious and secular ethical perspectives on values, beliefs and ideas are also studied. Making Moral Decisions will provide learners with the opportunity to critically investigate religious and secular worldviews, and the role of beliefs and values in society. The course aims to develop learners' understanding of ethical perspectives and how these are evident in a number of worldviews practised in Tasmania today. They will develop their own reasoned and critical responses to various religious, philosophical and ethical dilemmas. Thinking and working through the processes of making moral decisions will provide learners with an understanding of how decisions are made and emphasise the important connections between moral beliefs and behaviour. This may encourage them to come to a clearer and critical understanding of their own values and beliefs, as well as those of others.