Work requirements
The work requirements of a course are processes, products or performances that provide a significant demonstration of achievement that is measurable against the course’s standards. Work requirements need not be the sole form of assessment for a module. Work requirements in this course are not tied to specific modules and may be undertaken across any module(s) and in any order. Teachers must ensure all concepts from all modules (Module 1: Identity; Module 2: Responsibility; and Module 3: Legacy) are covered within the work requirements at least once. It is possible for a work requirement to be based on more than one concept.
Work requirement 1 of 4
Title of work requirement: Listen and respond
Mode or format: folio
Description: The folio will include evidence collected at any time over the course. It will be based on concepts from one module or multiple modules as provided by, or negotiated with, the teacher. The folio may consist of either one complete piece or multiple pieces.
The student listens to a passage(s) in spoken French based on the course concepts of the chosen module(s) and demonstrates understanding by responding in English to a series of questions in English. There will be different question types such as:
- those where the answer is readily apparent from the information provided (specific details)
- those where the answer requires an understanding of some feature/s of the text as a section or as a whole, for example, the purpose or gist of the text (general ideas).
Size: approximately 10 short responses. It may consist of either one complete piece or multiple pieces.
Timing: the folio may be undertaken at any time over the course.
Focus criteria: This work requirement assesses Criterion 1 and, in addition, depending on which module(s) is chosen, the following criteria will also be assessed:
- Module 1: Identity - Criterion 6
- Module 2: Responsibility - Criterion 7
- Module 3: Legacy - Criterion 8.
Work requirement 2 of 4
Title of work requirement: Speaking interview
Mode or format: folio
Description: The folio will include evidence collected at any time over the course. It will be based
on concepts from one module or multiple modules as provided by, or negotiated with, the teacher. The folio may consist of either one complete piece or multiple pieces.
The teacher conducts an interview in French with each individual learner. The teacher selects one or more topics from the course and advises learners in advance of the interview topic(s). Learners will be supported to build a bank of questions to enable a variety of responses.
Size: The teacher will ask the learner 8-10 questions using a variety of structures.
Timing: teachers will give learners [one week's] advance notice of the interview. The folio may be undertaken at any time over the course as either one complete piece or multiple pieces.
Focus criteria: This work requirement assesses Criterion 2 and, in addition, depending on which module(s) is chosen, the following criteria will also be assessed:
- Module 1: Identity - Criterion 6
- Module 2: Responsibility - Criterion 7
- Module 3: Legacy - Criterion 8.
Work requirement 3 of 4
Title of work requirement: Read and respond
Mode or format: extended response
Description: The response will include evidence collected at any time over the course. It will be based
on concepts from one module or multiple modules as provided by, or negotiated with, the teacher.
Learners read a passage written in French and demonstrate understanding by responding in English to a series of questions in English. The passage will include images, tables, diagrams as appropriate. There will be different question types, such as:
- where the answer is readily apparent from the information provided (specific details)
- those where the answer requires an understanding of some feature/s of the text as a section or as a whole, for example, the purpose or gist of the text (general ideas).
Size: approximately 10-15 questions
Timing: this response can be done at any time over the course.
Focus criteria: This work requirement assesses Criterion 3 and, in addition, depending on which module(s) is chosen, the following criteria will also be assessed:
- Module 1: Identity - Criterion 6
- Module 2: Responsibility - Criterion 7
- Module 3: Legacy - Criterion 8.
Work requirement 4 of 4
Title of work requirement: Read and Write, Language and Culture
Mode or format: folio
Description: The folio will include evidence collected at any time over the course. It will be based on concepts from one module or multiple modules as provided by, or negotiated with, the teacher. The folio may consist of either one complete piece or multiple pieces. The folio will contain 2 parts:
- Part 1: Read and Write: Learners receive two stimuli written in both French and English on two different course topics, for example, leisure time and holidays. Learners choose ONE of the stimuli and write a response in French. Learners may use paper dictionaries to assist them in writing their response.
- Part 2: Language and Culture - This is a written response to explore similarities and differences in language and culture. The learner will provide a response, in English, to compare aspects of Australian and French culture related to the course topics covered in each stimulus. Some examples of vocabulary and expressions used in French should be included.
- Part 1: Read and Write - a response length approximately 100-150 words
- Part 2: Language and Culture - approximately 250 words (or equivalent, if multimodal) in English, with relevant examples in French.
Timing: the folio may be undertaken at any time over the course and may consist of either one complete piece or multiple pieces.
Focus criteria: This work requirement assesses Criteria 4 and 5 and, in addition, depending on which module(s) is chosen, the following criteria will also be assessed:
- Module 1: Identity - Criterion 6
- Module 2: Responsibility - Criterion 7
- Module 3: Legacy - Criterion 8.