The content strands describe what is to be taught and learnt. They are outlined below.
Number and algebra
Within this strand, learners will engage in activities designed to develop their understanding of number and place value, react to situations involving money and identify, explore and predict patterns. They will correspond quantities with names and numerals and use this information to perform simple addition and subtraction. They will explore sharing quantities through partitioning. They will identify, relate and extend patterns and attributes in number series such as even numbers.
Measurement and geometry
Within this strand, learners will engage in activities designed to develop their understanding of the physical attributes of the world around them. They will define, sort and classify shapes and measure attributes including length, weight, temperature, time and capacity. They will describe, change and interpret location, position and movement of objects and show an awareness of time, both in intervals and the concept of time passing.
Statistics and probability
Within this strand, learners will engage in activities designed to develop their understanding of statistical information. They will experience data collection through observations, surveys and through the use of measurement instruments. They will explore ways that data can be represented using tables and charts. They will answer closed questions to describe data e.g. which response was the most popular?
The proficiency strands below describe how content is explored or developed and the actions in which learners can engage when learning and using the content.
Understanding involves making connections between related concepts and progressively applying the familiar to develop new ideas. This includes connecting names, numerals and quantities, partitioning and combining numbers flexibly and identifying the relationship between addition and subtraction. It involves identifying, describing and manipulating attributes of shapes, using appropriate language to communicate properties of time and interpreting simple data sets.
Fluency includes readily counting numbers in sequence, recalling addition and multiplication number facts and using estimation to check the reasonableness of answers to calculations. It includes using instruments to measure accurately and selecting appropriate units of measurement to order, compare and calculate attributes. It supports identifying and describing outcomes of chance experiments, interpreting maps and communicating directions and position.
Problem-solving includes using materials to model authentic problems and using number sentences that represent problem solutions, using familiar counting sequences to solve unfamiliar problems and discussing the reasonableness of the answer. It involves comparison of large numbers, currency or time durations and using properties of numbers to find and extend patterns. It involves the ability to formulate and solve authentic problems through modelling and pattern.
Reasoning includes explaining comparison of quantities through direct and indirect comparison and through the use of informal and formal units. It includes explaining and justifying patterns, representations of data and results to problems. It involves using known facts to derive strategies for unfamiliar calculations and posing appropriate questions for data investigations and interpreting data sets.