Participation and engagement in formal education until the end of Year 12 is proven to improve life outcomes for learners.* Individuals’ health, work prospects and relationships all benefit in the longer term by continuing with education for as long as possible.
For some learners there are a number of challenges that limit their capacity to remain engaged with their education. Challenges may include disability, health problems, personal responsibilities and socioeconomic disadvantage. Often these learners have a lack of knowledge of their education and training options, limited interest and confidence in undertaking study and constraints linked to cost, transport and time that contribute to their disconnect from learning.**
This course offers learners who are at risk of disengaging from their education a targeted and supported course to reconnect with learning and develop competencies that will enable them to engage with their education program. The course is learner-centred with learners actively involved in decision making and actions.
This course exists for learners who need to develop very basic literacy and numeracy skills, generic social skills, and acceptable social behaviours that will advance opportunities for their future, both as active participants in their community and potential employees.
* OECD, Education at a Glance 2013, P42
** Davies, Lamb and Doecke, 2011, Strategic Review of Effective RE-Engagement Models for Disengaged Learners, University of Melbourne