The course context is organised in three strands related to the Core Skills for Work clusters of Skills. The content can be unpacked and re-organised into units of work to suit the program within which Preliminary Access to Work is delivered. Please note that the format of each strand begins with an overarching description followed by details that describe the content specific to the stage of learning.
STAGE 1: (5, 100 AND 150 HOURS)
This course has a size value of 5, 10 or 15 points.
Through this strand, learners gain a conceptual understanding of what it is to work, to be an active member of a community and how this relates to their personal preferences, interests and aspirations. They reflect on the employability skills they already have and how they can develop additional skills. Learners build their knowledge and understanding of the choices and challenges life after school can offer and develop the skills and support networks to assist them with this transition. Participation in work exposure experiences helps learners develop a sense of identity by identifying their interests, skills and talents.
In Stage 1, the focus is on beginning to build concepts of future learning options by experiencing relevant vocabulary and information. They also begin to build concepts about work and life roles by experiencing the roles of familiar people they encounter on a daily basis. They experience some characteristics of work and are introduced to vocabulary specific to work and work roles, such as the names of jobs and tasks undertaken. They begin to develop awareness of their own interests and skills by encountering feedback and suggestions for development.
- experience informative print and non-print texts about future learning options including education, training and leisure
- respond to images, words, sounds, symbols, objects or events about future learning options including education, training and leisure
- encounter and react to vocabulary specific to future learning options
- respond to images, models or videos of familiar adults in different work and life roles
- respond to everyday vocabulary relating to work and life roles of familiar adults
- communicate personal skills or interests about learning, work and leisure
- communicate an interest in work and life roles
- react to feedback about personal skills and interests
- react to suggestions for developing skills and interests.
Learners undertake a variety of applied learning and work exposure experiences that provide work-related contexts for them to apply and further develop their literacy and numeracy skills. Within these work-related contexts, they will begin to develop skills to work in a digital world, plan and organise, make decisions, identify and solve problems.
In Stage 1, in the preparation, undertaking and follow up of a range of work exposure experiences, learners will have opportunities to develop work-related skills by participating in a range of repetitive tasks.
- experience planning and organising of workplace tasks
- participate in repetitive workplace tasks that enable them to apply literacy and numeracy skills, for example,
o experience and respond to number symbols, names and quantities within workplace tasks
o react to objects in workplace tasks with the use of sensory input, for example, build, stack
o participate in work related activities involving very basic measurement concepts
- become familiar with the places, materials, tools or equipment used for workplace tasks
- respond to images, words and sounds regarding safety
- respond to an instruction regarding safety
- experience problems within everyday work-related situations and accept assistance from familiar adults to manage problems
- experience decisions being made to solve workplace problems
- respond to the use of digital systems to store or recognise information or aid communication.
Through participation in a range of work exposure experiences, learners have opportunities to develop communication and interpersonal skills. They also develop understanding that work-related contexts may require particular ways of communicating and interacting that are different to everyday social communication and interaction.
In Stage 1, learners are provided with opportunities to interact with others by responding and reacting. They learn about interacting with others by experiencing others communicating and cooperating in work-related settings. They learn to be socially receptive to others in work-related settings. They begin to develop an understanding of themselves and their needs.
- recognise significant people by gesturing, vocalising or orienting to them
- are supported to interact with others to share interests relating to learning, work or leisure
- begin to focus attention on others and acknowledge their presence
- experience others using language and non-verbal behaviours appropriate in a workplace context
- encounter others working together.