TCE credit points
Course code
Course span
2017 — 2025
Reading and writing standard
Mathematics standard
Computers and internet standard
This course is current for 2025.

The future of work for young Australians will be characterised by flexibility and continuous change in how, what and where they will work

Jobs created in the future will be different from those of the past. Routine jobs will be limited, and outsourcing, contract work and flexible work arrangements will be the norm. Young people preparing to enter the workforce in both open and supported employment require a diverse range of opportunities to develop confidence, build understanding and respect for themselves, become sensitive to the needs of others, and develop confidence in appropriate social interactions with others for the workplace. They need to develop a set of transferable skills that are used in almost every occupation in the 21st Century workplace: work habits such as working safely, being reliable and trustworthy, working effectively with others, communicating clearly, applying past knowledge to new situations, problem solving and responding respectfully to diversity and difference. This course will help young people learn to be inclusive, responsible, and become sensitive to experiences and perceptions of others. By participating in practical work exposure experiences learners become active, responsible citizens who develop an understanding of how to make a contribution to their community through work. Employers throughout Australia have identified key areas young people need to focus on in preparing for work. This course will help learners plan for their future, understand themselves in relation to work, and provide them with essential skills, knowledge and understandings they require for participation in the rapidly changing world of work. The course will also prepare learners for entry level jobs, supported employment and further vocational study across a broad range of industry areas.