TCE credit points
Course code
Course span
2017 — 2026
Reading and writing standard
Mathematics standard
Computers and internet standard
This course is current for 2025.

Agricultural Enterprise Level 2 introduces learners to farming systems and operations through an integrated Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) inquiry

STEM education integrates concepts that are usually delivered as separate subjects in different classes and emphasises the application of knowledge to real-life situations. STEM learning is typically based around finding a solution to a real-world problem and tends to emphasise project based learning. Students learn the theory of food and fibre production, and associated agricultural industries, through a focus on Managed and Natural Systems, Animal Production and Plant Production. Learner understanding is demonstrated by engaging in an agricultural enterprise. Agriculture is a vital part of Tasmania’s economy – nearly one third of the land area is committed to agriculture. Tasmania grows nearly 10 per cent of Australia’s vegetable exports and 60 per cent of Australia’s apple exports. Tasmania is world competitive in milk production and a diverse range of products including cheeses, milk and butter are exported. Tasmania is also a leading producer of fresh vegetables for niche international markets. The state has a reputation for premium meats and smallgoods, fruit and viticulture. Tasmania has rich and varied marine resources and a sophisticated aquaculture industry. Premium products include rock lobster, farmed Atlantic salmon, trout and Pacific oysters, wild and farmed abalone and scallops. A range of specialty field crops has been successfully commercialised in Tasmania with pyrethrum, opium poppies and essential oils and buckwheat examples of successful new export crops. Agriculture offers Tasmanians opportunities in a wide range of careers spanning aspects of science, business, tourism, design and engineering. Agricultural careers are many and varied in the government and private sectors on a state, national and international level. Agricultural Enterprise Level 2 provides learners with an introduction to agricultural and develops enterprise skills and knowledge which position them to undertake entry level positions or to undertake further study in this field.