The work requirements of a course are processes, products or performances that provide a significant demonstration of achievement that is measurable against the course’s standards. Work requirements need not be the sole form of assessment for a module.
Module 1 work requirements specifications
Work requirement 1 of 2
Title of work requirement: Digital transformation
Mode or format: research investigation
Description: Learners will discuss:
- the role of information and data in contemporary organisation
- trends relating to digital careers and emerging opportunities
- new opportunities for industry, businesses and organisations enabled by emerging technologies
- the impact of digital transformation within a nominated industry or organisation.
Opportunities for excursions or incursions to communicate with people working in relevant information technology roles are encouraged to connect learners with real-life contexts.
Size: multimodal presentation of 4 – 7 minutes with script
Timing: none specified
Relevant criteria: 4, 5 and 6
Work requirement 2 of 2
Title of work requirement: Data problem solving cycle
Mode or format: project
Description: Learners experience a systematic problem-solving process by responding to simple problems or identified needs provided by the teacher.
Learners respond to a real-world scenario including solution requirements, constraints, scope and designs that will enable them to:
- acquire and reference data from primary and secondary sources
- analyse the data
- develop digital solutions using spreadsheet, database and data visualisation software tools
- present findings in a format specified by or negotiated with, the teacher.
The given scenario should indicate the data libraries that learners are required to acquire and analyse data.
Size: recommend maximum of 10 hours on task
Timing: Learners may have the opportunity to undertake multiple minor projects throughout module 1.
Relevant criteria: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Module 2 work requirements specifications
Work requirement 1 of 2
Title of work requirement: Information and cyber security
Mode or format: extended response
Description: Learners discuss data and organisational security challenges and solutions. Learners will:
- discuss the data security threats organisations face and identify strategies organisations can use to mitigate risk
- include an overview of the impact of cloud computing.
Size: a written response such as a report or essay will be between 800 – 1 200 words in total or a multimodal presentation of 4 – 7 minutes
External agencies: Opportunities for excursions or incursions to communicate with people working in relevant information technology (IT) roles are encouraged. This will enable learners to connect with real-life contexts.
Relevant criteria: 2, 3, 4 and 7
Work requirement 2 of 2
Title of work requirement: Data-driven systems solution and journal
Mode or format: folio: product and journal
Description Learners will use and document a systematic problem-solving process to design and develop a working solution. The systems task should be small, enable learners to analyse data and assess security risks and be of interest to the learner.
Learners will maintain a production journal detailing their problem-solving and project management processes to accompany their designed solution.
Size: recommend maximum of 15 hours on task
External agencies: opportunities for industry excursion or incursion to connect to others with specialist knowledge or expertise
Relevant criteria: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7
Module 3 work requirements specifications
Work requirement 1 of 1
Title of work requirement: Digital solutions project
Mode or format
Part 1: Project proposal (internal only)
Part 2: Project folio (external)
Part 3: Reflective journal (internal only)
Description: Learners individually undertake a project that requires them to relate conceptual knowledge and skills acquired from the study of all modules. Learners must be encouraged to select an extended digital solutions project topic that links with an area of genuine interest to them. Learners must submit a proposal to be signed off by the provider before commencing the extended project.
The provider must discuss the proposed focus of the task with the learner, considering the requirements of the assessment and the ability and interests of the individual learner. The provider must be satisfied that the suggested focus has the potential for the individual learner to:
- analyse the problem and derive a design specification
- develop and test a protype
- develop, realise and test a final physical system
- evaluate the final system against the design specification and suggest improvements.
PART 1: Project proposal (internally assessed)
The project proposal must include:
- an identified research problem – the problem should be manageable and have sufficient complexity to enable the student to achieve at the highest level.
- background research to inform problem analysis
- an outline of the different aspects of project management that will be undertaken; for example, risk management plan or risk register, Gantt chart, critical path analysis diagrams, PERT charts, communication plan, testing plan
- a stakeholder engagement plan
- a pitch or give a presentation.
PART 2: Project folio (internally and externally assessed)
Documentation of iterative systems development process including:
- a research essay of 1500 - 2000 words in length, addressing:
- feasibility study
- systems analysis of the systems development process.
PART 3: Reflective journal (internally assessed)
The reflective journal serves an important function, it assists with ongoing support and supervision and is a formal record enabling authentication of the learner’s work.
The journal should be maintained in electronic form. All items in the journal must be dated and legible.
The reflective journal will demonstrate how the learner:
- monitored the effectiveness of the plans for their inquiry using appropriate strategies; for example, developing criteria to measure effective implementation, checking progress according to a timeline, providing progress reports on action taken and decisions made during the process
- addressed problems encountered
- analysed how perspectives were shaped by the sources of information they used
- evaluated the effectiveness of the collaborative strategies they used in planning and implementing their inquiry
- evaluated the effectiveness of the inquiry including their research sources, methods, findings and plans and by revising their plans as problems arose.
Size: Folio maximum of 40 A4 equivalent pages. This includes research, the research essay, evidence of planning, concept sketches with annotations, photographs, charts and diagrams. It will be no larger than 500 megabytes in total size.
Timing: Approximately 40 hours of dedicated class time including internal and external components. Learners should be advised to rein in the scope of their project rather than choosing expansive and overly ambitious topics. It is vital that learners are advised to produce a fully resolved digital solution such that each stage of the problem-solving process is fully addressed for the context of the project.
External agencies: opportunities for industry excursion or incursion to connect to others with specialist knowledge or expertise
Relevant criteria:
Internally: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8
Externally: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8
Relationship to external assessment: this work requirement has an externally assessed component. This is comprised of Part 2: Project folio, as outlined in the description. This folio must be completed to meet TASC’s published external assessment submission dates.