The learner:
Rating A |
Rating B |
Rating C |
employs a range of audio engineering techniques* and provides clear and appropriate justification for choices made |
employs audio engineering techniques* and provides clear justification for choices made |
employs basic audio engineering techniques* and can provide justification for choices made |
uses of volume and pan to create a sonic picture with width and depth |
uses volume and pan so that all mix elements are clear, well-spaced and audible |
uses volume and pan so that most mix elements are clear and audible |
appropriately uses equalisation and compression on all necessary elements to improve clarity across mix - as required by style and instrumentation |
uses equalisation and compression on elements to improve clarity across mix - as required by style and instrumentation |
uses equalisation and compression to change mix elements, as directed |
uses simple and some complex editing techniques to shape an audio product with strong flow and structure. |
uses a range of simple audio editing techniques to create a structured soundbed. |
uses simple editing techniques to shape an audio product. |
* ‘Engineering techniques’ include, but are not limited to use of signal processing equipment, compression, noise gates, equalisers and effects.
The learner uses time management strategies, planning and negotiation skills to complete audio tasks. The learner:
Rating A |
Rating B |
Rating C |
identifies time, materials and equipment needed to complete audio tasks, and employs a systematic and planned approach to their use |
identifies time, materials and equipment needed to complete audio tasks, and employs a planned approach to their use |
identifies time, materials and equipment needed to complete audio tasks |
identifies, proposes and negotiates complex goals which are measurable, achievable and realistic |
proposes and negotiates complex goals which are measurable, achievable and realistic |
negotiates goals which are measurable, achievable and realistic |
evaluates, selects and uses planning tools and strategies to achieve objectives and manage activities within proposed audio times |
selects and uses planning tools and strategies to achieve objectives and manage audio activities within proposed times |
uses planning tools to achieve objectives within proposed times |
reflects – orally and in writing – on progress towards meeting goals and timelines, assesses progress and plans effective future actions |
reflects – orally and in writing – on progress towards meeting goals and timelines, assesses progress and plans future actions |
reflects – orally and in writing – on progress towards meeting goals and timelines, and articulates some ways in which goals will be met in the future |
meets specified/negotiated timelines and addresses all required task characteristics* with a high degree of accuracy. |
meets specified/ negotiated timelines and addresses all required task characteristics*. |
meets specified/negotiated timelines and addresses most aspects of required task characteristics*. |
* ‘required task characteristics’ may include: requirements given in a brief; mode of response; and presentation requirements.
The learner:
Rating A |
Rating B |
Rating C |
describes** balance, dynamics and tone colour requirements across all given music styles and specified audio products |
identifies balance, dynamics and tone colour requirements across a given range of targeted music styles and specified audio products |
identifies* basic balance, dynamics and tone colour requirements across a given range of targeted music styles and specified audio products |
explains technical requirements across a given range of music styles and specified audio products |
describes technical requirements across a given range of music styles and specified audio products |
identifies technical requirements of some given music styles and specified audio products |
uses appropriate signal processing across given music styles and specified audio products |
uses appropriate signal processing across some given music styles and specified audio products |
uses simple signal processing across some given music styles and specified audio products |
appropriately selects or modifies a recording environment for given music styles and specified audio products. |
selects or modifies a recording environment for some given music styles and specified audio products. |
modifies a recording environment as directed. |
* Identify: to point out, name, list, distinguish, recognise, establish or indicate who or what someone or something is.
** Describe: to recount, tell of/about, chronicle, comment on, give an account of characteristics or features.
The learner:
Rating A |
Rating B |
Rating C |
explains*** importance of liaison, workplace safety and etiquette working in audio settings |
describes** importance of liaison, workplace safety and etiquette when working in audio settings |
identifies* importance of liaison, workplace safety and etiquette when working in audio settings |
explains and uses protocols and etiquettes appropriate to needs of clients, musicians and production personnel in familiar and unfamiliar settings |
describes and uses protocols and etiquettes appropriate to needs of clients, musicians and production personnel in familiar settings |
identifies and uses basic protocols and etiquettes appropriate to needs of clients, musicians and production personnel in familiar settings |
provides appropriate technical support to meet requirements of clients, musicians and production personnel |
provides appropriate technical support to meet some requirements of clients, musicians and production personnel |
provides technical support to meet some of the requirements of clients, musicians and production personnel. Support may not always be appropriate to need |
clearly communicates ideas and information to clients, musicians and production personnel. |
clearly communicates basic ideas and information to clients, musicians and production personnel. |
communicates basic ideas and information to clients, musicians and production personnel. |
* Identify: to point out, name, list, distinguish, recognise, establish or indicate who or what someone or something is.
** Describe: to recount, tell of/about, chronicle, comment on, give an account of characteristics or features.
*** Explain: to make plain, clear, intelligible, to describe in detail, revealing relevant facts.
The learner:
Rating A |
Rating B |
Rating C |
recognises and appropriately re-acts and reports hazards and potential hazards in audio engineering environments |
recognises hazards in audio engineering environments and re-acts appropriately |
recognises hazards in audio engineering environments and re-acts as directed |
correctly describes steps of common emergency procedures in audio engineering environments, and explains*** their significance |
correctly describes** steps of common emergency procedures in audio engineering environments |
correctly identifies* steps of common emergency procedures in audio engineering environments |
follows established safety procedures for use of audio engineering equipment and facilities |
follows established safety procedures for use of audio engineering equipment and facilities, with some direction |
follows established safety procedures for use of audio engineering equipment and facilities, as directed |
safely uses techniques, processes, tools and materials to make audio products. |
safely uses techniques, processes, tools and materials to make audio products, with some direction. |
safely uses techniques, processes, tools and materials to make audio products, as directed. |
* Identify: to point out, name, list, distinguish, recognise, establish or indicate who or what someone or something is.
** Describe: to recount, tell of/about, chronicle, comment on, give an account of characteristics or features.
*** Explain: to make plain, clear, intelligible, to describe in detail, revealing relevant facts.