TCE credit points
Course code
Course span
2023 — 2027
Reading and writing standard
Mathematics standard
Computers and internet standard
This course is current for 2025.

Contemporary Music and Songwriting Level 2 is about contemporary music, the contemporary music industry and the types of knowledge, skills and understanding needed to be a contemporary musician or songwriter

Through the course learners will compose, perform and record music. The course is practical and skills-based and will develop learners’ creative and critical thinking, collaboration, communication and self-management skills. Opportunities to collaborate may include helping set up a recording studio, negotiating a stage area, working through a sound check, working with others when composing, playing or performing and promoting an event. Learners are given as many opportunities as possible to have exposure to industry professionals in both face to face and digital workshops, symposia, competitions, festivals and events. Students learn about and apply current music industry skills and ethical ways of working. Students will also develop their creative entrepreneurship skills as they effectively market and promote their original music to a range of audiences.