Read the application information (below), and order the required replacement certificate/s using the Replacement Certificate form.
Replacement certificates available
- Qualifications Certificate (1946 – current) – issued to Tasmanian learners as a complete record of their qualifications achievement to date. This certificate will state if you have received the Tasmanian Certificate of Education and list VET qualifications you have completed. It will also list the TASC-accredited senior secondary courses, VET units of competence and other TASC recognised qualifications you have successfully completed. If you order this certificate will also receive a replacement ATAR Statement (where applicable) for no additional cost.
- Tasmanian Certificate of Education (2009 onwards) – issued to Tasmanian learners who have completed the equivalent of two years of senior secondary education and meet the Participation and Achievement Standard and the Everyday Adult Standards.
- Tasmanian Certificate of Educational Achievement (2009 onwards) – issued to eligible Tasmanian students to provide a fair and broader account of their participation and achievement in senior secondary studies.
- Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) Statement (eligible students who finished Year 12 in 2009 onwards) – a ranking issued to eligible Tasmanian students, comparing their academic achievement in senior secondary courses with other Tasmanian students in the same year group. An ATAR is generally only used by recent high school graduates for university entrance, contact your preferred University to discuss their mature-age student or non-school leavers entry requirements.
- Higher School Certificate – Year 11 and 12 (1969 – 1992 only).
- Statement of Results (1946 – current) – a list of a Tasmanian learner’s achievement in all senior secondary courses studied in a one-year period.
The following Year 10 results can be included in the Qualifications Certificate:
- Year 10 results prior to 2004 (inclusive):
- School Certificate – Year 10 (1969 – 1991)
- Schools Board Certificate – Year 10 (1946 – 1968)
- Year 10 Results (1992 – 2003)
- VET Results (if the results have been provided to us from the registered training organisation). Note: the Year 10 VET results are presented in the Qualifications Certificate not in a standalone Certificate outlining achievements in one VET course.
- Year 10 results from 2005 onward (inclusive):
- if you attended a Catholic or Independent school, you will need to contact the school you attended for your Year 10 results
- if you attended a Government school, please contact the Department for Education, Children and Young People by email to
TASC does not hold, and cannot replace school reports or original VET Certificates. Requesting a Qualifications Certificate will include the information on your qualifications achievement, including VET qualifications.
Application information
- Read the application information and order the required replacement certificate/s using the Replacement Certificate form. Using the form, you nominate if you require an electronic (emailed) and/or hardcopy (printed and posted) copy of the replacement certificate/s.
- The application must be completed and signed with at least one piece of photographic identification (such as a driver’s licence or passport) and payment included.
- If you have changed your name, you must also provide a copy of formal documentation of that name change, i.e. a marriage certificate or deed poll certificate.
- The replacement certificate fees are:
- A replacement certificate base charge of $18.70 (application to be processed in 5–10 working days and includes the cost of regular postage within Australia)
- An additional charge of $74.80 for 24-hour priority processing (includes regular postage within Australia)
- An additional $14.40 for express postage (within Australia).
- Fees can be paid by credit/debit card online as part of the application form.
- Note – There is a three-week period towards the end of each year (just before results are released in mid-December) when TASC is unable to provide current students with a replacement Qualifications Certificate. Applications will be processed after this period.