Issued to eligible students to provide a fair and broader account of their participation and achievement

The Tasmanian Certificate of Educational Achievement (TCEA) is a quality assured certificate issued by TASC to eligible students at the end of their senior secondary studies.

The TCEA recognises senior secondary education participation and achievements with descriptive text. The certificate is designed for students for whom certificates such as the Tasmanian Certificate of Education and the Qualifications Certificate do not provide an adequately just and fair account of their participation and achievements in their senior secondary years.

WATCH the video What is the TCEA?

Eligibility Requirements
A student is eligible to apply for the TCEA at the end point of senior secondary schooling (Year 12 or Year 13) when they meet at least one of the following eligibility criteria:

  • where an impairment, disability and/or condition impacts upon one or more aspects of their learning.
  • where personal circumstances and/or family circumstances and/or trauma related experiences have had a significant impact on learning or caused difficulties in learning

Supporting Evidence
The supporting evidence provided may be a Learning Plan (LP) and/or a school statement.

To view more information on the TCEA process, see the TCEA Guidelines

How to apply

  • 2024 TCEA Key Dates
    Applications for the TCEA open on Monday 29 April and close on Friday 5 July.
  • Application Form
    Applications must be made via the TCEA Application Form and submitted via TRACS.

For detailed instructions and a step-by-step guide to submitting an application for the TCEA, see How to lodge a TCEA application.

Schools are notified of application approvals via TRACS in August.

How to submit the Descriptive Text for approved TCEA applicants

Once an application has been approved by TASC, schools begin compiling information on each student in readiness for the Descriptive Text that will appear on the student’s certificate. A template is provided to schools when the application process has been finalised.

A step-by-step guide to submitting the Descriptive Text is available on this page:

The completed draft Descriptive Text for each approved applicant should be entered into TRACS
by Friday 25 October.

The TCEA is an information-rich certificate, describing a student’s educational participation and achievement.

TCEA Descriptive Texts can now be entered directly into TRACS through the TCEA Application task type. This field is visible under the TCEA Submission tab once applications are assessed as eligible and approved by TASC.

TASC recommends that Descriptive Texts are drafted and retained as a word document for school records and in case of any technical difficulty when entering Descriptive Texts into TRACS.

The word document template for drafting Descriptive Texts is available here: TCEA Descriptive Text template

Use the Tasmanian Certificate of Educational Achievement – Writing Conventions when creating the Descriptive Texts for your students.

Example TCEA Certificates with Descriptive Text:

Additional Example descriptive texts without certificate: