The TCE Course Planner is a tool that supports students to plan their program of study in the TCE.
Students, parents, teachers, and VET coordinators can use the TCE Course Planner tool to see how VET can contribute to the TCE. Exact recognition by TASC will depend on the VET training that is successfully completed by the student.
Understanding the TCE Course Planner tool
The TCE Course Planner for VET comes from the qualifications and Units of Competency at the (TGA) website. The TCE Course Planner includes:
- individual VET qualifications
- individual VET units of competency
- the number of TCE credit points that a student might expect to be granted for completion of a particular VET unit of competency

Full VET qualifications are listed in the TCE Course Planner. As a qualification can be made up of a mix of different Units, there is no TCE credit point value allocated to the full qualification.
The credit point values are allocated to the individual Units that contribute to the qualification.
How to use the TCE Course Planner tool
Step 1 – Identify the VET Units that make up the qualification
As each qualification can be made up of a mix of different Units of Competency, identify the Units that make up the qualification being delivered by the RTO. Take note of the code for each Unit.
Step 2 – Search for the VET Unit
Enter the code for a VET Unit in the ‘Search’ tab:

Step 3 – Add the VET Unit to your TCE course plan
Click on the ‘+’ icon on the right, to add the Unit to the TCE course plan.
Repeat this for all the Units delivered by the RTO that make up the qualification.
Step 4 – Note the total TCE points for the qualification
When all the relevant Units have been added, the TCE Course Planner tool will automatically calculate the TCE credit points the student would receive upon completion of the qualification.
In the example below, the student is doing a Certificate 1 in Construction. Based on the VET Units being offered as part of the qualification, the student is eligible to receive up to 34 TCE credit points at Level 1 complexity.

*Please take note that credit points are only awarded by TASC upon completion of a VET unit. The total TCE points a student receives for a qualification therefore depends on whether all the relevant VET units being delivered as part of the qualification has been completed.
If a student does not complete a qualification, they will only receive TCE credit points for the VET Units that were successfully completed.
VET Units with no credit points
There may be instances that a particular VET Unit you are searching for in the TCE Course Planner tool has zero credit points assigned to it. There may be multiple reasons for this:
- It is a new nationally accredited unit, yet to be allocated nominal hours in the NCVER nationally agreed nominal hours database.
- There are nationally agreed nominal hours available, but the data from the NCVER is yet to be synced with the TCE Course Planner tool.
In these instances, to get an indication of how many TCE credit points a student is eligible to receive by checking the following government sources for nominal hours allocated for the VET Unit:
- The Victorian training package purchasing guides
- Skills Tasmania – Training Packages with approved nominal hours
- The WA nominal hours guides
For more authoritative advice on eligibility for TCE points, please contact TASC.