Derived exam ratings are restricted to senior secondary students experiencing unfortunate and unplanned circumstances, such as being sick, an emergency or other exceptional unexpected circumstances.
The process to determine a derived exam rating is designed to ensure you receive a fair and equitable course result when you are unable to sit the exam for a Level 3 or Level 4 course.
The derived rating you receive is based on your internal assessments during the year and then ‘derived’ using the external assessment performance of other students in your course who performed at a similar level to you in their internal assessments. Your derived rating for the exam won’t necessarily be the same as your internal ratings as it will rely on similar student performance in the exam.
The derived rating process recognises your achievement while also ensuring that the results of students who sat the exams and those that were unable to do so are consistent and comparable.
It also acknowledges that the outcome of senior secondary education isn’t simply the rating on an assessment but the knowledge, habits and ability to learn and take those skills into the future.