TASC provides Reasonable Adjustments to support equitable access and opportunities for success for students with disabilities, medical conditions, impairments, or circumstances in the senior secondary external assessments for Level 3 and 4 courses. These adjustments align with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, which outline the obligations of education providers to ensure students with disabilities have equal access to learning and assessment.

Ongoing Improvements to the Application Process

TASC is making further updates to the reasonable adjustments application form and process in 2025 as part of our commitment to continuous improvement and better support for students. These changes follow recent updates in 2024 and are designed to streamline applications, enhance clarity, and improve how schools manage student information.

  • The new online application system will create a more efficient process for schools, ensuring applications and supporting documentation are centrally managed.
  • The updated paper-based form will align with the online system and provide a clearer structure for medical and school-based professionals submitting supporting evidence.
  • Updated web resources will ensure students, parents, and schools have the latest information on application requirements, deadlines, and evidence expectations.

Updates for 2025

To support these improvements, TASC is implementing the following updates:

  • New online application process – Schools must submit applications via TRACS, which will be available from 28 April 2025.
  • 2025 TASC Reasonable Adjustments Application Form now available under Resources and Forms
    This form can be completed by medical practitioners (e.g., doctors, specialists, allied health professionals), school psychologists, school counsellors, social workers, or school-based learning support staff/TASC Liaison Officers (TLOs), where applicable. Supporting documentation must be included as part of the application.
  • Alternative documentation accepted

    The 2025 TASC Reasonable Adjustments Application Form is now available for completion. However, students who have already had their medical appointments do not need to see their doctor again if they have existing documentation that provides the necessary details.

    Schools may use the alternative documentation, such as a medical report or letter that outlines the student’s condition, functional impact on external assessments, and recommended adjustments to complete the application form.

Schools make the Reasonable Adjustments application on behalf of their students. Students may apply for reasonable adjustments through their school if they have a:

  • Disability, condition, or impairment – As defined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (e.g., physical, sensory, cognitive, or mental health conditions).
  • Personal circumstance – Situations that significantly impact a student’s ability to complete external assessments under standard conditions (e.g., personal tragedy, victim of a significant crime, personal injury, illness).
  • Humanitarian entrant (refugee) status – Students who have arrived in Australia under humanitarian or refugee programs and require assessment adjustments.
    Note: Students who migrate for family occupational or education opportunities are not eligible for adjustments.

For more information on eligibility and evidence requirements, refer to the ‘Steps to Apply for Reasonable Adjustments‘ section.

Criteria for Reasonable Adjustment Applications

To be considered for reasonable adjustments, a student’s condition must fit into one of the following categories:

  • Permanent/ongoing – The student has a long-term disability, condition, or impairment that requires adjustments.
  • Non-permanent – The student has a temporary condition or impairment that impacts their external assessments (e.g., injury, short-term illness).
  • Imputed – The school reasonably believes the student has a disability, condition, or impairment that affects their ability to undertake assessments, even if not formally diagnosed.

TASC provides reasonable adjustments to ensure students with disabilities, medical conditions, or impairments, or circumstances in the senior secondary external assessments for Level 3 and 4 courses. However, there are circumstances that do not qualify for reasonable adjustments.

  • Unfamiliarity with the English language
    • Students who have limited English proficiency are not eligible for reasonable adjustments unless they are a Humanitarian Entrant (refugee status).
  • Normal exam stress or anxiety
    • Feeling nervous or stressed before exams is a common experience and does not qualify for reasonable adjustments.
      • Only clinically diagnosed mental health conditions (e.g., Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder) supported by medical documentation may be considered for adjustments.
  • Preferences for specific conditions or personal comfort
    • Requests for specific exam seating, lighting, or other preferences without medical evidence do not qualify.
    • Adjustments must be based on a documented functional impact, not personal preference.
  • Parental or teacher request without supporting medical or school-based evidence
    • A request from a parent or teacher alone is not sufficient to approve adjustments.
      • Reasonable adjustments must be supported by appropriate evidence demonstrating the student’s functional impact in external assessments.
      • Schools may provide documented observations to support an application.
      • If a formal diagnosis is not available, a school may consider an imputed diagnosis based on substantial school-based evidence of the student’s needs.

Permanent/ongoing conditions

For disabilities, medical conditions, or impairments that are long-term or lifelong and require ongoing adjustments for external assessments.

Important: A medical or allied health professional’s report is required for all applications under this category. School-based documentation and other supporting evidence cannot replace medical documentation but may be included as additional evidence.

Medical and Allied Health documentation (mandatory)
(At least one of the following must be provided, even if the application is completed by a school-based professional.)

  • A medical report or letter from a GP, specialist, or allied health professional (e.g., psychologist, speech pathologist, occupational therapist) confirming the diagnosis and functional impact on external assessments.
  • Formal diagnosis reports (e.g., cognitive, psychological, speech/language, or physical assessments).
  • Neuropsychological or educational assessments outlining specific learning or functional impacts.
  • Hearing, vision, or mobility impairment reports from a relevant specialist.

Currency of documentation

  • Medical documentation can be from any period in the student’s life, but it must demonstrate a diagnosis and functional impact on senior secondary external assessments.
  • If evidence is more than three years old, a current medical certificate or letter from the student’s regular GP or specialist is required to confirm that the adjustments detailed in the original report are still valid.

School-based documentation (supporting evidence only)
(Can supplement, but not replace, medical documentation.)

  • Learning plans, individual education plans (IEPs), or support plans documenting ongoing school-based adjustments.
  • Records of previously approved adjustments (e.g., NAPLAN, previous school years).
  • Teacher observations and reports confirming a sustained functional impact on learning and assessment performance.

Other supporting documents (supplementary evidence only)

  • Disability Support Pension (DSP) or NDIS documentation confirming eligibility and support needs.
  • Assistive technology assessments or usage records if applicable.

Non-Permanent Conditions

For temporary injuries, illnesses, or conditions that impact a student’s ability to complete external assessments but are expected to improve over time.

Important: A medical or allied health professional’s report is required for all applications under this category. School-based documentation and other supporting evidence cannot replace medical documentation but may be included as additional evidence.

Medical and Allied Health documentation (mandatory)
(At least one of the following must be provided, even if the application is completed by a school-based professional.)

  • Medical certificate from a GP or specialist stating the condition, expected duration, and functional impact on assessments.
  • Hospital or emergency department discharge summaries confirming treatment and functional impact.
  • Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, or rehabilitation reports outlining recovery timelines and recommended adjustments.
  • Psychologist or counsellor reports if the condition is related to mental health (e.g., anxiety, depression, or short-term mental health crises).

Currency of Documentation

  • Medical and allied health documentation must be recent, with reports dated within the last 12 months to reflect the current functional impact on external assessments.

School-based documentation (supporting evidence only)
(Can supplement, but not replace, medical documentation.)

  • Teacher or school reports outlining observed functional impact and temporary support measures in place.
  • Learning plans or short-term accommodations implemented within the school.

Other supporting documents (supplementary evidence only)

  • Surgery confirmation letters or post-operative care instructions.
  • Medication impact statements from prescribing doctors if side effects interfere with assessments.

Imputed conditions

For students without a formal diagnosis where the school reasonably believes they have a disability, condition, or impairment that affects their ability to undertake assessments, based on observed learning and functional difficulties.

Important: An imputed diagnosis may be considered when a student lacks a formal medical diagnosis but has substantial school-based evidence indicating a disability, condition, or impairment that significantly impacts external assessments. This may include school reports, professional observations, or historical assessments. While medical documentation is not required, any available history or pending assessments should be included where possible.

School-based documentation:

  • A detailed statement from the school principal, TASC Liaison Officer (TLO), or learning support coordinator outlining observed difficulties, functional impacts, and previous classroom/exam accommodations.
  • Learning plans, individual education plans (IEPs), or support plans documenting ongoing school-based adjustments.
  • Teacher reports describing specific challenges faced by the student in assessments.

Professional reports & observations:

  • A school psychologist, counsellor, or social worker report summarising observed difficulties and intervention strategies.
  • Records of previous referrals to medical or allied health professionals (e.g., waiting list confirmations for a formal assessment).

Historical educational assessments:

  • Previous educational assessments (e.g., cognitive, speech/language, or behavioural assessments) that indicate a likely disability or condition.
  • Early intervention reports from previous schooling years (if applicable).

Communication with families:

  • Parent/guardian statements outlining concerns and challenges observed at home, especially if paired with supporting school evidence.
  • Correspondence between school and family regarding attempts to support the student’s learning needs.

Step 1: Collect supporting evidence

Students requiring adjustments must provide their school with documentation that:

  • Describes the condition, disability, or impairment.
  • Explains how it affects exam performance.
  • Recommends adjustments that align with external assessment requirements.
  • Includes details on how the adjustments are currently being applied internally in the student’s school-based learning environment.

This documentation can be completed by:

  • A medical practitioner or specialist (e.g., doctor, psychologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist).
  • A school psychologist, counsellor, or social worker, with relevant supporting documentation.
  • A school-based learning support staff member or TASC Liaison Officer (TLO), if the student has an existing documented learning plan.

Step 2: School application submission (April – June 2025)

  • Schools will submit all applications via TRACS, TASC’s online student management system.
  • A paper-based form must be completed by a medical practitioner, school psychologist, counsellor, social worker, or school-based learning support staff/TLO (where applicable). Schools will then upload this form as part of the application.
  • Schools must ensure applications are submitted by the deadline (end of Term 2, 2025) to be considered.

Step 3: Review and notification

  • TASC will assess applications based on the evidence provided and assessment requirements.
  • Students and schools will be notified of approved adjustments before external exams begin.
  • Schools are encouraged to trial the requested adjustments in mid-year exams even if formal approval has not yet been received. This allows schools to assess the effectiveness of the adjustments in practice and inform TASC early if any amendments to the request may be needed.

In addition to Reasonable Adjustments, Personal Circumstance applications are available in Term 3 for students who experience unexpected illness, injury, or other personal circumstances that impact their ability to sit exams under standard conditions.

  • Applications for Personal Circumstance open in Term 3, 2025.
  • These adjustments are assessed based on the impact of the unforeseen event on a student’s ability to complete external assessments.
  • Schools and students will need to submit supporting medical or official documentation with their application.

More information on the Personal Circumstance process will be available closer to Term 3, 2025.

If students are sick or have an emergency close to or during the exam period and cannot attend their external assessment/s, they can follow the steps at Illness and Emergency During Exams to apply for derived exam ratings.

  • 11 March 2025 – Paper-based medical practitioner form available
    • Can be completed in advance but must be submitted within the application window.
  • 28 April 2025 – Online system opens for school applications
    • Schools must submit all applications via TRACS.
  • 4 July 2025 – Application deadline for Reasonable Adjustments applications
    • Applications must be submitted by this date – late applications may not be accepted.
  • 21 July – 26 September 2025 – Personal Circumstance applications open
    • Applications must be submitted within this timeframe.
  • Rolling basis from May to mid-October 2025 – Adjustments reviewed and confirmed before exams
    • TASC will provide confirmation of approved adjustments to students and their school TLO via email during this period.

Additional resources to support schools, students, and parents are currently in development and will be added as they become available.

Who can apply for Reasonable Adjustments?

Any student with a permanent or temporary disability, medical condition, impairment, or specific circumstances that have a significant, functional impact on their ability to sit exams for Level 3 and 4 courses under standard conditions. See ‘Who Can Apply Reasonable Adjustments‘.

What types of adjustments can be requested?

Adjustments to the exam conditions are determined on a case-by-case basis and may include, but are not limited to:

  • Extra time
  • Rest breaks
  • Use of assistive technology
  • Alternative format exam papers (e.g., large print)

What if the application isn’t submitted by the deadline?

Late applications may not be accepted unless exceptional circumstances apply. Schools should plan ahead to meet the end of Term 2, 2025 deadline.

What if a student’s condition changes after submitting an application?

Schools should contact TASC as soon as possible to discuss any new medical documentation or unexpected circumstances.

What if a student becomes ill or experiences an emergency leading up to or during their exams?

If a student experiences an illness, injury, or emergency in the lead-up to or during their exams, they must follow the Illness and Emergency During Exams process instead of applying for Reasonable Adjustments.

Adjustments must be planned and implemented well in advance to ensure fairness and exam integrity. Changes to venue arrangements, technology provisions, and staffing cannot always be accommodated at late notice, and approving last-minute adjustments could disadvantage students who followed the process and applied on time.

TASC is actively working with other jurisdictions across Australia and New Zealand through the Australasian Curriculum, Assessment and Certification Authorities (ACACA) Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (AARA) Working Group. This collaborative effort ensures that our approach to reasonable adjustments remains aligned with national best practices, legislative requirements, and evolving student needs.

Through this working group, we are:

  • Sharing and comparing jurisdictional policies and procedures to refine and maintain a consistent approach to supporting students.
  • Aligning data collection and reporting standards to improve meaningful comparisons across jurisdictions.
  • Examining best practices in implementing universal design principles for accessible assessment.
  • Reviewing legislative requirements to ensure compliance with state, territory, and federal laws, including human rights and anti-discrimination frameworks.
  • Developing shared approaches to professional development and school support, ensuring schools, families, and students are well-informed about application processes.
  • Providing advice and support between jurisdictions to assist students moving between states and territories.

By working collaboratively with our national and international counterparts, TASC is committed to ensuring that reasonable adjustments are fair, effective, and consistently applied, while maintaining the integrity of senior secondary qualifications.

Students are supported by their school’s TASC Liaison Officer (TLO) to apply for Reasonable Adjustments.

For further information and support with Reasonable Adjustments, students and parents should contact their school in the first instance. If further clarification is needed, they can contact TASC at:
Email: enquiries@tasc.tas.gov.au
Phone: 03 6165 6000

TLO’s with questions about Reasonable Adjustments can contact TASC through a TRACS query.