Use the TCE Course Planner to check if you are on track to achieve the TCE with your studies

Check with your school which courses they are offering, or use the Year 11 and 12 Course Guide to see the courses on offer at schools across Tasmania.

Use the TCE Course Planner tool to see the number of TCE credit points you could achieve for your program of study and if your selected courses will meet the ‘everyday adult’ TCE standards. The tool shows the TCE credit points and everyday adult standards for current year courses.

To share or save your TCE course plan, hit the share button and copy the URL for your plan. You can then email, save or share via social media.

Calculating TCE credit points for VET units

To work out the total number of TCE credit points for a VET qualification, use the ‘VET Units’ tab to add each of your VET Units into the Planner. For step-by step information, see TCE Course Planner – VET.

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